World of Warcraft: Classic

Although everyone is welcome to play the game as they please, this is why I dislike modern wow and look forward to classic! Cant beat a good gaming community
Same here. Welfare epics and lack of community killed the game for me.
Really looking forward to classic even though I know it won't feel exactly how it used to.
Although everyone is welcome to play the game as they please, this is why I dislike modern wow and look forward to classic! Cant beat a good gaming community

I said nothing about community. I just have zero interest in being unable to complete my objectives because another person 30 levels (or 3 levels, frankly, i have no interest in PVP) higher has decided its fun to make my day miserable. I want to play the game, with my friends who i've cultivated a relationship with.

But this argument is so tired, and so boring. Also I dont play modern WoW. I played in Korean Beta in 2004, then Euro Beta, then Release until WOTLK in a high end raiding guild getting consistent server firsts (sounds braggier than I would like, i just meant i took it very seriously), so my attitude has little to do with your perception of why it was better in the good old days :)

Also i dont want to ruin it for you, but Classic WoW won't be anything like Vanilla in terms of other players. I played this current beta every day, and it was as toxic and cancerous as every other multiplayer game is. Find your friends from before, and enjoy the game. I suppose the big saviour is that the Americans wont be there.
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Also i dont want to ruin it for you, but Classic WoW won't be anything like Vanilla in terms of other players. I played this current beta every day, and it was as toxic and cancerous as every other multiplayer game is. Find your friends from before, and enjoy the game. I suppose the big saviour is that the Americans wont be there.

This also concerns me, it all seems a race to the bottom nowadays. If that is the case the only hope i can see is the toxic people will grow bored of it and move on.
This also concerns me, it all seems a race to the bottom nowadays. If that is the case the only hope i can see is the toxic people will grow bored of it and move on.

I levelled to 15 in the recent stress test and did RFC with a bunch of people, we had a chat and a laugh everyone was nice, nothing like running a Mythic +10 with a bunch of ******** retail players from looking for group who leave if you wipe once and never say a word. There's incentive to be nice to each other in Classic, it's not a 10 second job getting a replacement if someone decides to hearth out, and the rewards from running a dungeon make a difficult levelling experience that bit easier.
Can imagine "Sorry can't make the 27th, wow classic is out!"

Pretty much what I said to my old man who rang them for me. I am currently in Ireland so didn't have chance to call myself. Unsure what my dad actually said to them though.

Priorities. I have them.
Here's a list of guild names suggested so far since @Robi brought up guild names on page 55:

OCUK [Brits on Tour]
Pals for life
Make Alliance Great Again (1 character overlimit, would need to be shortened)
Rose Tinted Classes
Hindsight Brigade
Results May Vary
Top Revenue Earners
Boxing Stance
I am not a Shop
Avec Dino
Single Serving Friends
Gucci Belt Shopping Club
I quite like underclockers, results may vary and top revenue earners. Results may vary I do like a lot though as I bet that will sum up the guild well. Of course this is for Horde right....right....?
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