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20 Nov 2020
I signed up for e-mail alerts from a high street chain. Now they're sending e-mails saying 'we don't have the product you were interested in but what about these 3XXX processors?'. I don't think they get how stock alerts work and why people want them :D

I have done the same and have had a mini heart attack each time I see they've sent me an email!!!
9 Aug 2012
Phrase "too expensive" is very subjective. I haven't seen it for £715, £750 is a regular price in UK at least at this moment -anything above is "tax for people that MUST HAVE IT NOW!".
So £70 is a lot for some and nothing for others. For people buying such expensive CPU, £70 isn't probably life and death situation.
Just ask yourself, do you really need it like next day and do you want to support companies that conveniently abuse temporary low availability situation to overcharge their customers.
I would expect 5950x to be available somewhere in 2nd half of December if you're willing to look for it and quite easily available in January but that's just my educated guess.

I hear what you are saying that £715 was from the manufacturer direct but they are out of stock to busy selling to other companies for massive profit gains paying £818 would be no biggie for me I would pay that but then you see the RRP from the manufacturer for £100 less then you think that is a scalping price hike as you rightly said to overcharge customers who want it now this very second.

I can wait and I think I will wait but then will the manufacturer ever have these processors for sale direct I did that one time waited and waited then when stock was readily available the manufacturer placed an end of life on the product for heavens sake that made me laugh and will this be the same situation for the 5950X what gets me are those people who have paid over 1K on auction sites total madness.

I can wait and I will wait as there are supposed to be loads of thee processors coming between now and February at more to RRP prices which were originally given by the Manufacturer.
9 Aug 2012
I signed up for e-mail alerts from a high street chain. Now they're sending e-mails saying 'we don't have the product you were interested in but what about these 3XXX processors?'. I don't think they get how stock alerts work and why people want them :D

I did the same and got that same e mail total wasters, I feel your pain.
14 Oct 2007
I hear what you are saying that £715 was from the manufacturer direct but they are out of stock to busy selling to other companies for massive profit gains paying £818 would be no biggie for me I would pay that but then you see the RRP from the manufacturer for £100 less then you think that is a scalping price hike as you rightly said to overcharge customers who want it now this very second.

I can wait and I think I will wait but then will the manufacturer ever have these processors for sale direct I did that one time waited and waited then when stock was readily available the manufacturer placed an end of life on the product for heavens sake that made me laugh and will this be the same situation for the 5950X what gets me are those people who have paid over 1K on auction sites total madness.

I can wait and I will wait as there are supposed to be loads of thee processors coming between now and February at more to RRP prices which were originally given by the Manufacturer.
I got a 5950x on Monday, hopefully delivery on Saturday or Monday for £750, I actually had my mind on keeping my 9900k till next year but if I upgrade now, I should be in the second cycle of DDR5 so prices should be a little lower when I upgrade again
26 Nov 2020
Just received my 5950x, was 69th in queue on Friday, so they must have had some in recently, good luck guys on getting them, still trying to find a dark hero somewhere
15 Apr 2009
I got a 5950x on Monday, hopefully delivery on Saturday or Monday for £750

What will you be using the 5950x for? I do a bit of CAD/BIM stuff and point cloud interpretation as well as a reasonable amount of video editing but, for me personally, not sure the extra 240 quid is worth spending...

Still keeping my eye out for one though, with half a mind to say "what the heck!" and max out my X570 - shouldn't then need an upgrade for a long time to come...
9 Aug 2012
You shouldn't be paying above the RRP. Simple as that.

I got my 5950X last week, I actually paid abit less then that the RRP and I didn't order on release. I waited.

Maybe you just struck lucky before the retailer became a scalper when they all seem to realise hell this is in low stock worldwide we can all make a massive profit over RRP we will screw this for all we can get out of it can I ask what are the retail prices like now on that web site as I assume you paid below £715 for the Ryzen9, 5950X. I think you just where at the right place at the right time very fortunate lucky. Because no where on line is selling at RRP or below it is way above RRP scalping prices and will be like this until there is more of the product and companies start competing that usually happens on the auction sites first funnily enough then big www. compaines follow a while after that..
14 Oct 2007
What will you be using the 5950x for? I do a bit of CAD/BIM stuff and point cloud interpretation as well as a reasonable amount of video editing but, for me personally, not sure the extra 240 quid is worth spending...

Still keeping my eye out for one though, with half a mind to say "what the heck!" and max out my X570 - shouldn't then need an upgrade for a long time to come...
Just managed to nab a 5900x from the rainforest for £560, which I’m happy about as I really wanted the 5900x, as I don’t really have a need for 16/32. Actually I will just keep which ever arrives first.
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9 Aug 2012
Just received my 5950x, was 69th in queue on Friday, so they must have had some in recently, good luck guys on getting them, still trying to find a dark hero somewhere

I could have purchased a dark hero but I don’t like that board as it is not very feature rich with accessories no back plate for better passive cooling anyway looks like now it is the best bang for buck right now trying to find an ARORUS EXTREME that would be my board of choice but they are not making them anymore. Funny I contacted the manufacturer to ask is this board discontinued they provided me a link the Z490 and I asked about the Z570 AMD and that was as the manufacturer couldn’t believe it.
15 Apr 2009

Just managed to nab a 5900x from the rainforest for £560, so will cancel the 5950x which I’m happy about as I really wanted the 5900x, as I don’t really have a need for 16/32. Actually I will keep which ever arrives first

You're supposed to give me reason to get a 5950x!!! :D
15 Apr 2009
I’m just going to keep whichever arrives first

Yep - think I will get whatever is available first at or close to RRP...

Edit: had the chance to have a 5950x in my hands tomorrow at RRP the other day but couldn't bring myself to click 'buy'. Think I've convinced myself to take the next opportunity on a 5900x or 5950x...
9 Aug 2012
Yep - think I will get whatever is available first at or close to RRP...

Edit: had the chance to have a 5950x in my hands tomorrow at RRP the other day but couldn't bring myself to click 'buy'. Think I've convinced myself to take the next opportunity on a 5900x or 5950x...

I would love to know these web sites that sell at these prices or RRP as the cheapest I have seen is £769 and well known on line retailer £750 or from the manufacturer for £715 but the manufacturer is completely out of stock which is a joke actually because they must be making the processors in lots of 100 units per month a total joke, I do blame AMD for creating this whole scalping process as they are doing it deliberately keeping attention high and everyone is going made to buy as it is more desirable the more elusive the product is total mind warp game AMD is playing with us all.
9 Aug 2012
The moral I have taught myself just now is this. I am going to forget about the whole AMD release for the 5950X and will come back to it in April 2021 surely by then stock will have levelled off and hopefully I will be able to buy for them at the cheapest possible price and if I cant then I will just keep what I have for another 4 years and not play this stupid game with AMD as it is very frustrating to think a multibillion dollar company can advertise this product and they are deliberately keeping stock low to generate all this interest and deliberately keep pricing high for as long as they can they are no better than the scalpers to be truthful.
9 Aug 2012
I can see they still are available they went for pre order on Monday as that is when I got notified at 11.30am for pre order they must be selling thousands as every time I look on my phone it say 11 people buying right now and every time I look a while later say next hour or day it is always 10 or 5 people ordering every minute. You have paid £100 over RRP. That is why I am prepared to wait as I am not paying a scalpers price as that is what you have done bought into the whole scalping on demand that is why these retailer keep these prices as they know people will pay it but I for one wont on principle. Good things come to those who wait and I have time on my side so I won’t be sucked in to this buy now pay more for the privilege. When it comes to upgrade in 3 years’ time that’s when you lose as punters will be paying far less than what you paid and you have already over paid by £100 that is a lot of money to lose for the sake of waiting another couple of months.
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26 Nov 2020
I could have purchased a dark hero but I don’t like that board as it is not very feature rich with accessories no back plate for better passive cooling anyway looks like now it is the best bang for buck right now trying to find an ARORUS EXTREME that would be my board of choice but they are not making them anymore. Funny I contacted the manufacturer to ask is this board discontinued they provided me a link the Z490 and I asked about the Z570 AMD and that was as the manufacturer couldn’t believe it.

I personally like the removal of the chipset fan and the new Dynamic OC feature, what features am I missing out on? Anything else you would recommend? How annoying you could have ordered one and I'm struggling to find them! I have pre-ordered somewhere but they are out of stock.
8 Jan 2004
I can see they still are available they went for pre order on Monday as that is when I got notified at 11.30am for pre order they must be selling thousands as everytime I look on my phonme it say 11 people buying right now and every time I look it is always 10 or 5 people ordering every minute. You have paid £100 over RRP. That is why I am prepared to wait as I am not paying a scalpers price as that is what you have done bought into the whole scalping on demand that is why these retailer skeep these prices as they know people will pay it but I for one wont on principle.

RRP is £750 for the 5950X isnt it?

I'll probably cancel mine before fulfillment if stock levels improve and prices come down.
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