***The 2021 Gym Rats Thread*** ᕦ( ͠°◞ °)ᕥ

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Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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What are you chaps resting heart rates out of interest? I’ve never really looked on my Apple Watch but mine is averaging 40-50, obviously goes up if I start walking about. Even dropped into the 30’s the other night at work as I was dozing off on my chair and it sent me a notification warning. TFW when not sure if elite athlete athlete or gonna slow to 0 and die. :eek:

My resting heart rate is in the mid forties, no idea what it is at night.
16 Mar 2004
Actually making a comeback in October, first time since before very first lockdown in 2020!

I'll just jump into 5x5 and take it easy at first, I have actually started running during all this so wondering if there's also any runners here and what's the best way to balance the two together?

Thinking just alternating running and weight lifting days (3 days running and 3 days lifting) with Sunday off to start with and see how body feels from there.



3 Oct 2003
It’s meant to be better than skimmed varieties. When I started drinking it to bulk up before the pandemic I kept getting sick, could have been something else causing it though.

Finally pushed through my bench plateau yesterday that has been stuck since May :) - felt quite easy too! Here’s to 160 and beyond.

Very nice BP PR. What program do you use and how many times per week.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Very nice BP PR. What program do you use and how many times per week.


Once a week alternating between:
Week 1: Bench: 4x5x80% + 6x3x60% + CGBP: 3x8x60%
Week 2: Bench: 2x1x90% + 3x3x85% + 6x3x65% + CGBP: 3x6x70%

and then increasing my 1RM by 1.25kg if I meet all sets and reps. Its slow and steady, but means I can safely keep progressing. Fractional weight plates have been a huge help.

I suspect my shoulder program on a Tuesday and arms on a Thursday have helped assist my bench too.



3 Oct 2003
Managed to injure my left tricep tendon again 2 weeks ago on a heavy CGBP (busy week as i was delivering LPG cylinders(upto 83kg total weight)) and was knackered all week) so due to fatigue on the 5th rep got the right side up but not left. Normally goes up easily.

So I took 4 days off in a row last week. Back to it today, wore an elbow sleeve throughout. Pain is still there at heavier loads. I am not going to do a deload week though, I will try and keep up my routine. No more heavy CGBP , will keep that 10+ reps till its better.

Is there any point of putting an elbow wrap on top of the sleeve for heaviest set? I feel like with the sleeve its already compressed and is limiting the full movement of tricep.


Once a week alternating between:
Week 1: Bench: 4x5x80% + 6x3x60% + CGBP: 3x8x60%
Week 2: Bench: 2x1x90% + 3x3x85% + 6x3x65% + CGBP: 3x6x70%

and then increasing my 1RM by 1.25kg if I meet all sets and reps. Its slow and steady, but means I can safely keep progressing. Fractional weight plates have been a huge help.

I suspect my shoulder program on a Tuesday and arms on a Thursday have helped assist my bench too.

At the moment I'm benching two-three times a week, 7 working sets each session. Rep range from 4-8 reps. I was only benching once a week for around 10 months. Hit a plateau (either poor program i never really had one, or not enough volume) since upping the sessions the bench has gone up and up.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
7 days straight in the gym with squat and bench PBs. I knew starting back in work would lead to gains - more adrenaline and a more consistent routine. Rest day tomorrow and the rest of the weekend eating. Think I’ve earned a takeaway pizza for dinner! Get those calories in. Two scoops of nuts in my breakfast and evening smoothie has helped. Bodyweight hovering around 92.5kg. Next goal, 95kg. I’m back to adding 0.5-1kg a month again it would seem after hitting a wall for a few months (March to July!).
17 Jun 2010
That 17 year old I train with sometimes just came 3rd at IPF Sub Junior Worlds in the <83kg class. 205/162.5/255 total. World record in the bench I think too at his first international comp. Loads of room to get stronger too. Kids these days...
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
That 17 year old I train with sometimes just came 3rd at IPF Sub Junior Worlds in the <83kg class. 205/162.5/255 total. World record in the bench I think too at his first international comp. Loads of room to get stronger too. Kids these days...

Impressive numbers, especially at that weight. Is that even healthy at 17? Must have been training for a while to get to that point.
17 Jun 2010
Impressive numbers, especially at that weight. Is that even healthy at 17? Must have been training for a while to get to that point.

Starting training for PL in 2018 after introduction to weights as part of his rugby club training. I’d wager the lifting is less injurious than the that sport. He’s built for it tbh, short with very thick joints (doesn’t even use wrist wraps on bench) and obviously comes from good stock. Manipulates water to make weight and in future he’ll be going up a weight class but yeah, stronck.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Starting training for PL in 2018 after introduction to weights as part of his rugby club training. I’d wager the lifting is less injurious than the that sport. He’s built for it tbh, short with very thick joints (doesn’t even use wrist wraps on bench) and obviously comes from good stock. Manipulates water to make weight and in future he’ll be going up a weight class but yeah, stronck.

Heh, probably needs to decide between rugby and powerlifting. I agree, rugby is far more likely to lead to injuries and potentially those that will knock you out of powerlifting. Having grown up in wales where schools were rugby crazy I’ve seen some horrendous injuries. Femur through leg (not me thank goodness) was one that’ll stick with me for a lifetime.



3 Oct 2003
I went to the Arnold sports festival today at the NEC, Tom Stoltman walker passed me man is a beast!

Also saw Flex Wheeler and Dorian Yates.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Finally gaining decent mass again. First ever weigh in at 93kg on Saturday.

It’s clearly helping, PB OHP session with
20x10, 40x8, 50x5, 60x3, 70x3, 79x1, 89.5x1, 57x10

Fractional plates have helped so much this year.

Still pushing all other lifts steadily too which is my core aim, however small the increase.



3 Oct 2003
Good stuff captain.

How close is your grip on the OHP, Im going to start adding it back to my routine. I find closer the stronger I can lift. Around same width as CGBP or slightly wider.

How do you program for it, I did 5 sets today. 12 reps, 10,10, 8,8. Didn't want to go to heavy as it's been a while.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Good stuff captain.

How close is your grip on the OHP, Im going to start adding it back to my routine. I find closer the stronger I can lift. Around same width as CGBP or slightly wider.

How do you program for it, I did 5 sets today. 12 reps, 10,10, 8,8. Didn't want to go to heavy as it's been a while.

Just a faction outside shoulder width, about 1cm onto the start of the knurling from the centre on my bar. Not too much wider than my CGBP grip.

I’ve done most things with OHP, 8x3, 531 etc. I also follow up with front and lateral raises after.

At the moment I’m following the pattern above, but just adding 0.5kg here and there weekly. Sometimes I hit a wall and go back 5kg or so, sometimes more.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Well that was the easiest, quickest and heaviest squat session. Amazing what an extra kg of bodyweight will achieve. I’ve added 0.5kg a week for the last 2-3 - a few cheat meals and extra scoops of nuts :D

Christmas may well help me to 95kg, although I may well hit it before then. My bodyweight gains are always unpredictable.

My tailored shirt sample arrives on Wednesday. Fingers crossed it fits and I can order more because I’m running out of time. Unusually I’m growing out of my jackets quicker than my trousers, my bench has exploded after months of going nowhere :eek:



3 Oct 2003
I had the ******** squat session ever on Sunday, 3 sets of 100x8 almost killed me.

Whereas on Saturday had an amazing upper session, 60x5 new PR for OHP, I felt very powerful..

I have made a new program though, will squat regularly twice a week this should improve something. Just need to find the right program for squats, this JTS strength training one is brutal.. But who knows might be better in the long run.
14 Oct 2009
Going to stop being a lazy sod tomorrow and start back at the gym again. Try shift some weight before a wedding in December.

Going to start with 5x5 stronglifts to give me a base, I liked doing it when I last went to the gym. Going to squeeze it into my lunch hour so will need to have something with good structure.
12 Jun 2004
Diet question...

So I had a bit of a beer belly and I worked hard through lockdown to lose it. I have ok middle and upper definition on my abs, chest/shoulders broad and even though I am not going to the gym too often at the moment, I feel good about my progress.

However I do get concerned about eating too much and losing it again...has anyone gone from a slim/toned figure and 'bulked up' without losing the abs part? :o I am around 10.6 to 10.8% body fat but I am struggling to lose the lower belly fat (don't we all). People are very shocked when they hear I am 60kg due to my figure as I bench my bodyweight, deadlift 1.3 and OHP 0.6.
17 Jun 2010
Diet question...

So I had a bit of a beer belly and I worked hard through lockdown to lose it. I have ok middle and upper definition on my abs, chest/shoulders broad and even though I am not going to the gym too often at the moment, I feel good about my progress.

However I do get concerned about eating too much and losing it again...has anyone gone from a slim/toned figure and 'bulked up' without losing the abs part? :o I am around 10.6 to 10.8% body fat but I am struggling to lose the lower belly fat (don't we all). People are very shocked when they hear I am 60kg due to my figure as I bench my bodyweight, deadlift 1.3 and OHP 0.6.

You’re going to put fat on when you’re in a surplus, it’s just part of the process. If your surplus is too small you just end up eating at maintenance by accident and not much happens. If it’s too big you get fat too quickly. If it’s a sensible rate of gain (like 0.5-1% total bw gain every 4-6 weeks) then you can spend quite a long time gaining before you start to get fluffy… and realistically you need a long time because muscle gain is painfully slow. Abs will start to disappear/go soft but your lifts will have hopefully all gone up a fair bit which makes up for that. Then you just diet the fat off, which as a process can be achieved FAR more quickly.

The key - if you’re aesthetically inclined - is to start the gaining phase at somewhere like an estimated 10-12% bf and call it a day once you get to the higher teens so you don’t have to diet for too long to get back to 10-12% again. That way you’re never that far from beach lean. Some people gain for like 12-16 months then diet for a few months to reset, some people will gain for 6-8 months then throw in shorter more aggressive cuts. What you don’t want to do is be yo-yo’ing between gaining weight too quickly then panicking and dieting over a short time frame and making no progress.
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