scammed / credit card fraud :(

23 May 2006
I am normally very on the ball with the normal scams but seems I have been had.

one of my credit cards (my backup Barclaycard i rarely use so it stands out like a sore thumb) has a dodgy transaction on it.

a week or so back I got a very legt looking TV licence letter. I still think this is legit the timing is right and it looks spot on even with extra TV licence bumpf in it so could be conincidence.

it said this will be the last paper bull you get for a while please sign up for online account with a 3D barcode I needed to scan. I did this and it said I needed to card details. no charge but would do a hold and release to prove its me.

I did this and right after got Barclaycard fraud phone call. there was a £1.49 transaction from I explained the story and the Barclaycard rep allowed it and unlocked my account. they said if any more appears to phone them and they will deal with it then.

however today there is a pending £29.99 charge from same thing. I phoned Barclaycard fraud but that said because ingreenlit the £1.49 charge it's not fraud in that sense so I have to phone back again in office hrs and put a block onit.

he said hopefully will get the £29.99 back but if not it will stop more coming out.

feel a bit sick tbh. it's not just the £29.99 it is not knowing exactly what I did wrong
looking at the TV licence letter again it still looks spot on so many be red herring

edit contacted disputed transactions and put a block on it for future attempts. still worried about what I did and when. I was also asked to phone TV licence people but to be honest I think it's a coincidence. I will however.
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According to Scamadvisor V-ett is a prolific scam site, which is probably why they called you when you input your details.

When you call I'd be mentioning that the advisor didn't inform you of why the call was taking place. Pretty sure if they'd said the call was because you'd entered your details into a known scam site that you wouldn't have authorised the payment. It's negligence on the part of the advisor. I'd also question the 'not fraud'. You may have authorised the £1.49 but you didn't authorise any further payments.

I'm with Santander and once almost got caught out myself, again like you I'm on the ball with these things normally but everything seemed to track so I entered my details. Within a minute Santander fraud were calling and told me they were calling as my details had been entered into a known scam site. After telling them it was me however I was unaware it was a scam site the transaction was cancelled, blocked & new card issued.
I contacted TV licence people, the letter was legit however i should never have been asked for credit card details........ so with that in mind the only thing i can think of is that the 3D bar code scanner app that i had downloaded from android store that i used to scan the barcode on the letter was dodgy.
I have uninstalled it.
Happens to the best of us chap - the scammers only have to be lucky once, thankfully it was just £30 you've lost.
Ye he means he downloaded an app to scan a QR code which turned out to be a dodgy app on the Google play store. Google's brilliant app moderation in action! :(

Edit: That's how I understood what you said anyway. :)
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dont you? how do you scan them then? sorry i am probably being really dumb, its not something i have ever done before (well not since the barcode battler many years ago)

Depends what phone you have.

On my samsung, the drop down menu (page 2) has a 'Scan QR code' button if you want to be quick.

But it also does it automatically if it detects one.
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Just go to your camera and point it at the QR code and a URL will pop up somewhere for you to click.
well my thread was not a total waste then..... i didnt know this. so those apps on the store for QR code scanners are complete cons then.....

many thanks for the info

edit.... you are right! (not that i doubted you) i just checked and it works....
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well my thread was not a total waste then..... i didnt know this. so those apps on the store for QR code scanners are complete cons then.....

many thanks for the info

edit.... you are right! (not that i doubted you) i just checked and it works....
TBF there was a time when you needed those apps to scan a QR code. I believe most phones now have it built into the camera app.
If you could just give me your bank account number and sort code...

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