'Town building' esque board games - 2 people - Suggestions?

12 Jun 2004
I've done a bit of research but also value the OCUK community.

Tiny Towns gets a fair few mentions so leaning towards this one.

It'll be 2 people playing.

Any other suggestions?

Although not a town building game, but more of a settlement building game have you considered Settlers of Catan?
Although not a town building game, but more of a settlement building game have you considered Settlers of Catan?
I was going to post this. Seriously fun game with lots of expansions (y)
I haven't but heard its a bit heavy/complex?

I'll check YouTube for a review though and look again. I remember Yannis from Foals mentioning it (randomly).
I haven't but heard its a bit heavy/complex?

I'll check YouTube for a review though and look again. I remember Yannis from Foals mentioning it (randomly).

It's really not, looks it at first but read the rules and play a game or two and youll find its really simple. Absolutely cracking game, can be over in 30 mins, can take a few hours. As @dLockers says there are loads of expansions but i keep finding myself going back to the basic game and the seafarers expansion.
I haven't but heard its a bit heavy/complex?

I'll check YouTube for a review though and look again. I remember Yannis from Foals mentioning it (randomly).
My 73 year old mum got the basic game super quick and she is pretty anti board game. It takes a minute to get your head around it but then it is super fun.
Settlers is easy the dice randomness gives it the luck factor. Which i base my strategy on :p
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I haven't but heard its a bit heavy/complex?

I'll check YouTube for a review though and look again. I remember Yannis from Foals mentioning it (randomly).

there is a kids version .

But no, the basic version without expansion quite , and there are really just 2 strategies. The best move at each stage is usually easy to work out, but of course there is random chances so yiu can try and think a few moves ahead.

it will take just 2-3 rounds to get a good idea and start thinking of tactics.

The good thing is there are loads of add-ons to make it more complex, and they all require new learning .

Ot is basically the gold standard in strategy board games
Brass Birmingham is very complex but probably my favourite board game. It’s like Catan + Ticket to Ride with the complexity increased by a magnitude of 3.

This review gets it spot on: it’s hard but it’s the right (and very best) kind of hard.

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Brass Birmingham is very complex but probably my favourite board game. It’s like Catan + Ticket to Ride with the complexity increased by a magnitude of 3.

This review gets it spot on: it’s hard but it’s the right (and very best) kind of hard.

This looks amazing! Thank you for drawing attention to it.
I'm sure it's 2. I'll take a look when I get home.

Knew it!

Even in that link it says 3-4 players :p

About Catan
Released: 1995

Players: 3-4

Rules complexity: Low

Strategic depth: Low

I’m going by what the box says :p

Granted it sounds like they’ve released some new rules during COVID to make a 2 player variant. Not sure you’lll be getting the usual Catan experience though!
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