Critical Incident *breaking news* - Another stabbing!

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
The fact that certain races are over represented in the statistics of certain crimes is anathema to these people, you cant reason with it.

Male people are over represented in the statistics of many types of crimes. If those people had any interest in applying their own arguments in a consistent way then they'd be citing that as PROOF! that this country is misandric and therefore all female people should be deemed guilty of everything and whatever.

They won't, obviously, because they're authoritarian bigots creating propaganda to gain power and to pretend that their irrational prejudices are justified.
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
Irrefutable is a bit absolutist in a world of deepfakes and AI-generated movies isn't it?

I'm willing to believe that enough people witnessed it and that's good enough but not for ending someone's life especially if the only reason this occurred in the first place is societies apathy towards mental illness.

Quite frankly, I don't care how broken someone is, if they're slashing people in the street with a blade, they're for the bin
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
how many of those police officers are front line staff that go on patrols and ride about in police cars.
and how many work from home or offices and never make arrests?

wasn't there a stat not long ago something like the average police officer makes 3.5 arrests a year?

The ones who don't actually do policing should have a separate job title, it looks like they just use these people to boost the numbers of "police officers" but they aren't what people consider police officers at all
It's the DM so you might want a couple of deliveries from Saxo before swallowing it.

Are fines counted as arrests?
Are interviews counted as arrests?
Are inquiries counted as arrests?
If 15 people are involved in a raid on a drug dealer do they all get an arrest of the one person in the house, or does that go to the team leader or one person who actually reads the rights?
Does time spent in court giving evidence count as an arrest?
Does time spent guarding a VIP give many arrests?
Does the officer who deals with the aftermath of a car accident where the driver responsible for the accident died get an arrest out of it?
Do officers whose area covers an entire county and responding after incidents from the other side of the county get as many arrests as those who are routinely within a couple of minutes of an incident?

It's quite possible that in fact most "policing" doesn't take require a lot of arrests as actual arrests are one outcome of an interaction with the police and some duties will mean that most officers whilst doing "full policing" probably don't get to make many arrests, as if you use "number of arrests" as a metric for "are they doing good policing" you're going to see that lower level officers dealing with drunks outside pubs are going to be considered "more valuable" than a team of 50 officers who spend 3 months tracking down and building the case against a murderer or a multiple rapist who has been targeting school girls (an example I use because I know that the DM will be in a froth at the lack of police arrests if there was a serial rapist and the Police didn't catch the person within a few days, and it's the sort of case that will get officers thrown at it*).

Despite the likes of "The Bill" most police officers probably don't get much chance at an arrest because actually making arrests tends to become rarer as you move to more specialist duties that require your more advanced policing skills, and you're dealing with jobs that take longer to solve than dealing with a fight outside the local pub on a friday night, when you've been waiting just around the corner because it's been noted that the 3 pubs within a 5 minute walk tend to have a fight every match night.

These days there has been a big push specifically to avoid making arrests for minor things, hence the rise in fines etc, as it's not exactly a good use of police time to tie up a police officer (or more likely 2+) for most of a shift to deal with something that can be dealt with via a fine and 30 minutes paperwork.

*A single missing child enquiry can tie up hundreds of officers for days, especially if they have to start doing any form of search in which case you'll have hundreds of officers who will definitely not be making arrests and being "good productive officers" whilst they're doing a fingertip search of some woods.
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30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
Stop and search young males hanging about the street in places like Tottenham, there will be an over representation of young black males. Exactly the demographic who are the perpetrators AND victims of knife crime. Then geniuses like Diane Abbott and David Lammy campaign against stop and search, knife crime rockets. Who could have known?! It would be funny if there wasn't broken lives left behind
21 Jan 2010
It does because there is a disproportionate number of crimes committed by said demographic, beyond the minimum percentage required for statistical significance.
It's not because they're targeted more, it's because they commit more crimes per capita.

Black people are about 2.5 times as likely to be arrested as the mean. White people slightly less than the mean.

There's a huge variation just within the subgroups of black- Black Africans are arrested at half the rate of black Caribbeans.

Chinese people are about a quarter as likely to be arrested as the mean.

It all gets fiddly when you start digging into it, as anything does. Socio-economic factors and simple location are important. Age demographics are also in play.

And I completely failed to guess your conclusion there.
3 Apr 2009
Dr Shola and her consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Yeah that metro article makes him look like a wacko, or at least that's the intent I think.

The Sun's "sword lad" thing was pretty horrific though. That's The Sun for you though.
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21 Jan 2010
17 Oct 2009
The government is trying to ban "zombie" knives and machetes. Don't think that will really stop people using other types of knife instead.

Think they've have brought in something to ban them, but IIRC loopholes. The issues is as you point out - they'll use another knife. Or they'll use an axe, or a hammer, or a bat, or any other object that could be used to cause a serious amount of harm.
24 Jan 2022
Over There
They don't respect the bushido code.

Case in point about just using other types of knife (from Australia):

"The teenager was described as a person with "complex issues" who had been involved for several years in an anti-radicalisation programme intended to counter extremist ideologies"

That worked well then...
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