This is what I meant by saying the sources see only a glimpse of information as they are never at the top of the chain but likely near the very bottom of it. It could be just an intern hearing rumour at lunch or something like that. And that's why we get later wild leaks all over the place. Some information checks out later but it's rare and far between the bs. In other words, really not worth one's time.I can say for a fact that 99% of "leaks" these days are entirely BS - information just isn't out there like it used to be and/or people who are in the know are in a far more regulated and/or professional situation where it just isn't worth leaking anything.

That said, there are people out there that just can't keep their mouths closed, no matter what. Warthunder forums are a perfect example where people I'm military etc. often enough leak confidential or even top secret information just to win argument in posts... That's much more unbelievable than leaks about GPUs etc. and yet it happens.
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