Oh, fully agreed. There should also be a chip being produced which is in size between 5090 and 5080 one - nothing stopped NVIDIA from designing and producing such. They on purpose decided not to. Maybe, as someone said earlier, to gather all the partially faulty 5090s, cut them down to working level and sell that as 5080 Ti or so later, saving loads of monies on that... Good for them, definitely not good for gamers.
I am mostly counting on AMD pushing forth with their plans from cooperation with Sony - that could scale up out from consoles world to PC world easily and would be a proper new tech without relying on just AI. Will that happen - we'll see. But at least they have some plans aside just saying "AI!" all the time. That aside, if 6k series is just another bleak upgrade and things do not progress much from now, I might keep my 4090 for even longer than that and wait for 7k series... I had bought 1080Ti back in the days already used and still kept it for 3y longer, then sold it for more than I bought it.

4090 is shaping for me to be of a similar kind of a GPU, so far.