Your Top Five Games of this Generation!?

30 Aug 2003
Mass Effect 1
Mass Effect 2
Fallout 3
Batman Arkham

.. playing Dragon Age Origins at the moment, and I have a feeling it might shove COD out .. possibly
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4 May 2007
West Midlands
In no particular order
Halo 3- Really stepped up the bar of games this gen in terms of multiplayer features
Mass effect 2
Mirrors edge
Metal gear solid 4

Honourable mentions
Phantasy star universe- Not technically a great achievement but I had loads of fun playing it
Halo reach- Even more multiplayer features (Most of which I havent made the most out of >_>)
CoD4 - Fantastic singleplayer and multi experience
Crysis- I though the game was pretty damn awesome, and my god dem graphics :p
Gears of war1/2
Dead space
Zelda: Twilight princess
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17 Feb 2003
Sad to see so many putting up Uncharted :/ Metal Gear better in plot, design, bosses (oh god are Uncharted's bosses boring) dialoge, mechanics and the lot but whatever uncharted is the recent trend of fanboy favouritism :/

Wowser! Uncharted love = dirty fanyboyism?!! Strange attitude!

I also have Metal Gear Solid 4 but only played about 30 minutes of it

That's about all the gameplay in MGS4 isn't it! ;)
18 Oct 2002
Sheffield, UK
If the amount of hours I've put in are anything to go by, then the list would be different.

My favourites are probably:

Portal 2
Assassins Creed 2
Forza 2/3, they're equally good.
Trials HD (the best XBL arcade title imo, even better than Geometry Wars).
26 Apr 2004
Milton Keynes
Hmmm console only...

No particular order of preference.

1. Tales of Vesperia (360)
Best 'classic' JRPG this gen IMO (beating out the likes of FFXIII and LO). Sadly overlooked as it was quite hard to get hold of, and the 'Deluxe' PS3 version never made it out of Japan.
Good characters, an end villain you could actually empathise with, decent voice acting, great [stylised] graphics with virtually no slowdown, decent protagonist who isn't the average 17yr old and a good musical score.

2. Yakuza 3 [bearing in mind I've not played Y4] (PS3)
One of the few games this gen that's made me feel it's been worth owning a PS3. Not quite sure how to classify it, as essentially its a (very) Japanese roaming brawler (some of the special moves are wince-worthy as well), hints of RPG and GTA, a ton of mini-games and a lot of style. Not quite sure I've played anything else like it.

3. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
Not much I need to say on that one, its Zelda, and a decent one at that. Only real downside were the technical limitations of the Wii, as it was still a good looking game (lighting etc), but on many HDTVs it can look extremely blocky.

4. Demon Souls (PS3)
A game that reminds you how much fun/how satisfying it was to progress, when games were much harder.
Not that it wasn't frustrating at times, but like Yakuza, there aren't really many other games like it!

5. Assassins' Creed 2
Still some issues, and the fish lips...ergh...but overall a lot of fun, and fixed a lot of issues with the first game.

Was a bit spoiled for choice for the last one, especially as its hard remember how you've felt playing every game this gen, but I'll say AC2 as I do remember having a lot of fun on that.
If I'd been including PC, it'd have been instantly wiped off though.
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15 Feb 2010
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Loved everything about this game. Brilliant level design, brilliant story, fantastic voice acting - and Private Jackson's death and the All Ghillied Up mission stand as two of the most incredible videogame moments I've ever seen.

Heavy Rain
I've never played a game that managed to get such an emotional investment from me as Heavy Rain. I loved the instinctive controls, the fact the story continued whatever happened, and that I reacted totally instinctively (and wrongly) to several situations.

It took me a while to get into this. At first it just seemed like yet another shooter with some pretty scenery - boy, did I get that wrong. Tight gameplay, brilliant script - this was the first AAA title for the PS3 for me, and well worthy of inclusion. I'd add finding the submarine in the jungle (and the subsequent journey to enter it) as another top videogame moment.

Portal 2
To be honest, I probably wouldn't even have played this if the PSN hadn't been down...boy, am I glad I did. Fantastic story, stunning level design, a surprisingly entertaining Stephen Merchant and a perfect learning curve. Plus a truly fantastic ending.

Little Big Planet
There were quite a few games that I nearly had here - Fallout 3, Dragon Age: Origins and Burnout Paradise. But LBP was such a blast (especially the MP, I was crying with laughter so many times) and was so charming and different that it got the nod. And the fact that Media Molecule gave you the tools that they used to build the levels meant the sp ended up being about 1,000,000th of the total game.
19 Mar 2011
In no particular order...

Battlefield Bad Company 2
Batman Arkham Asylum
Red Dead Redemption
Call of Duty 4
Gears of War 2

Honourable mentions...
Halo Reach
Assassains Creed Brotherhood

And im seeing a lot of votes for Fallout 3 - is it really that good? Bought it, played it a little and havent went back to it. Now bought the GOTY edition but havent forced myself to put it in the drive.
13 Feb 2004
South Shields
Everything about this game was fantastic.. the music, visuals, character and level design. The only real downside is that there wasn't more of it.
Completely nuts.. off the wall and fantastically fun to play.
Got the whole 1000gs on this and it took some doing!

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
Surprisingly fun arcade style racer.. brilliant visually and the feeling of pace is second to none imo. Its a game you could just turn on a play for a few mins and come back at a later time. Replayablity was maximized by the autolog which allowed you to try to beat your friends times and wind them up lol.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
As already mentioned.. this for me is probably the pinnacle of this generation as far as both SP and MP gaming is concerned. Some of the missions were simply jaw dropping! From the Nuke mission to the Ferris Wheel mission.. this game is a must play!
Veteran leading to Mile High is one of the biggest "highs" I've had from a game.
Honourable mention: COD:MW2 Spec ops - tremendous addition that really changed the way I approached the missions second time round..

Mass Effect 2
I thought ME1 couldn't be beaten by the sequel.. I was wrong!
Everything from the graphics to the control system was massively improved upon.. A game that I couldn't put down till it was done.. and even them when I knew I was coming to the end of it I still explored and bought DLC to expand the life of the game.

Dead Space
I was really torn as to what to pick for number 5.. but then I remembered all the stand out components that made DS the awesome game that it is.
No other game will make you feel so alone and vulnerable.. and I don't think there will ever be a game that will effect the user as prominently as this.
The standout for me is the sound.. Everything makes you wonder what is about to happen.. and makes you doubt turning that corner. A must play!

Honorable mentions: F12010, Forza 3, Batman AA, Portal 1/2, Crysis 2, GOW2, RDR and Street Fighter 4.

Phew.. I loved posting that :D
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