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Shadow of the Tomb Raider Bench Thread

completed rise recently and started shadow the other day.

Major think i've noticed with afterburner overlay is how much LESS VRAM useage there is in Shadow vs Rise with ultra textures enabled.

In Rise I couldn't run ultra with the GTX 1080 as it used 7Gb VRAM and had stuttering as evidently not enough left to buffer.

in Shadow with ultra textures useage so far (in cave type areas) is only a bit over 5Gb and nice and smooth.
GTX1070 @ 1700/1800? / 2000 MHz according to GPUz
7700HQ @ 3.4GHz
417.35 Drivers

Not bad for a laptop I think? I adjusted GPU curve, I really don't know what to say about core clock because it changes so often on a laptop! Forgot to try this with overclocked memory to see if I can squeeze a few more frames.

Ok got an extra 3FPS lol.

GTX1070 @ 1700/1800? / 4608 MHz according to MSi Afterburner.
417.35 Drivers

Was 54fps, ended up 53 this time, lost the screenshot before as PC crashed due to HDD issue.

But here we are, 53fps for a laptop, that good?

Upgraded to a Ryzen 7 2700 (stock), plus a modest O/C on the graphics card.

GTX 1070 Ti 2000 core / 2249 memory
Ryzen 7 2700 @ stock (3.2 GHz multicore / 4.1 GHz Turbo)
417.35 Drivers




Not quite sure what to put for the clock speed of the Ryzen on any of the tests. For example, it spent most of its time between 1.4 GHz and 2.8 GHz at 3440x1440 as it was so GPU bottlenecked, and it knew it.
GTX 1080 2050mhz/5500MHZ on the memory
4790k 4.6ghz
Drivers 417.71

Nice 25% bump up from my heavily water cooled 980 Ti. Still a little chunk slower than my Titan Xp. Still... for the fact I got this + £350 for the Titan I'm happy with it, also plays the game rather well at "High" at 4K
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