The days just doesnt seem to be long enough!

20 Nov 2004
Hi all

Does anyone ever feel that the days are just not long enough. I work about 45 hours a week + i spend about 10 hours travling to and from work. So technically work takes up about 55 hours a week, leaving me with loads left over.

However i only ever seem to sleep and work! And it feels horrible!
It's OK at the moment, but soon I'm not going to be able to play golf after work because of darkness! I hate working when you get up, and it's dark... when you leave work, it's dark.


/shakes fist.
yep my avrage week is only 35hours (+6hrs overtime most weeks), but because its shift work I never seem to have much free time just to chill.
jpmonkey69 said:
It's OK at the moment, but soon I'm not going to be able to play golf after work because of darkness! I hate working when you get up, and it's dark... when you leave work, it's dark.


/shakes fist.

Know what you mean about travelling to and from work in the dark, can really get you down at times
Yep I definitely find this. I'd love say a 27hr day, because this would allow me time to do things, get tired enough to drop off the sleep quickly (up for 18hrs), AND still get enough sleep (9hrs in bed).

I've recently bought a house, but I am yet to spend a full day in it, there's always something getting in the way like work, or visiting friends/family, or going shopping or whatever. There's 999999 things I'd like/need to do but I struggle to find the time. Moving has also meant I have to commute and involves around 1h25 travelling time each way door-to-door, or in other words an extra 7hrs on top of my weekly work.

I'm not the type of person who gets easily bored, I mean even if I was put on gardening leave for 6 months or something I could still keep myself entertained even if I couldn't leave the house, there's just so many games/films/books etc out there I'd love to try but can never find the time.
Me and my girlfriend start at 11.30 generally, and finish at 7.15 most of the time.. if we stop off at hers on the way home, by the time we get back to mine it's gone half eight.. that can kind of suck, but at least we get a lie in. The mornings though, we don't do anything, we may watch a couple of episodes of some DVD, but most mornings we just sleep in, so that time is wasted. :(
I wake at 7.30, leave for work by 8.30... work 9.00 - 4.30, home around 5.00, me-time until bed at around 1-2am... repeat

I don't really get enough sleep, so i usually catch up by sleepin til about lunchtime on the weekends.

A good work/life balance really makes a difference.
Ive just got in from worK this minute! I start work either 2 or 4pm. If its 2pm i need to be at the train station for 1pm. And if its 4pm then i have to be at the train station for 3pm. I get home at 12-1am. I always chill for a hour or so before bed, cant go straight to bed after worK! And i need a good 9-10 hours sleep so i get up at 11ish. So i get either 4 hours or 2 hours for eating breakfast, working out, showering and getting ready for work!!!
I usually go to bed about 1 - 2 am and wake up about 7.30. Thats not a lot of sleep lol but i dont seem to get tired easily. Only part time work atm, 2 - 10 on saturdays and 2 evenings a week. So i find ive got enough time in the day.

However, saying that today i did not. Woke up at 1.40pm as a result of walking home (1hr 40mins) from a party i left at 1:50am LOL! dont ask why. I have to leave for work at 5:40 so having 4hrs isnt enough :p
yhack said:
I go to sleep about 2am and woke up today and 3:30pm

So, no, they aren't long enough!

your time will come*mwahaha*

I'd love say a 27hr day, because this would allow me time to do things

like do more hours at work, for instance :D

At least many people would have done so with a longer day...
Don't suffer from this. Same as a few people have said, I'm fortunate whereby I can get by on about 4-5 hours sleep a day. Those hours 'saved' as it were, over a normal week (about 4hrs more than most * 7 days) is an additional day extra per week for me.

And it feels it. Things that happened yesterday feel like they happened days ago.
I know the feeling. Im working 3-10 or 3-11 all this week. By the time ive got up at 11 and ive watch thunderbirds (*cough*) ive got time to get washed and make some dinner before having to go to work. Because of the hours i cant go out in the afternoon or night, and im not going to the pub at 9am :p
Yucca said:
Hi all

Does anyone ever feel that the days are just not long enough. I work about 45 hours a week + i spend about 10 hours travling to and from work. So technically work takes up about 55 hours a week, leaving me with loads left over.

However i only ever seem to sleep and work! And it feels horrible!

exactly the same for me. 45hr, 10hrs driving, 2 x band practices and gigs.

all part of life.
Stuff the days not being long enough. How about the year! :eek:

I mean, it was Febuary, I had been with Tammy for one month. It seems as I've closed my eyes, re opened them, eight months down the line into Sept now! Still with Tammy though so that's a big. :D
~J~ said:
Don't suffer from this. Same as a few people have said, I'm fortunate whereby I can get by on about 4-5 hours sleep a day. Those hours 'saved' as it were, over a normal week (about 4hrs more than most * 7 days) is an additional day extra per week for me.

And it feels it. Things that happened yesterday feel like they happened days ago.

exactly the same, well, certainly in the last month because i've been out so much and so busy. It's been a mega month and it all seems like such a blur, haven't spent a night in doing nothing for weeks! I get around 5-6 hours on average at the moment i'd say, my mates wonder how i do it and they're always too tired to come out, tired at work and tired here tired there :rolleyes:
Yucca said:
Hi all

Does anyone ever feel that the days are just not long enough. I work about 45 hours a week + i spend about 10 hours travling to and from work. So technically work takes up about 55 hours a week, leaving me with loads left over.

However i only ever seem to sleep and work! And it feels horrible!

Why not accept a pay cut and do a shorter working week somewhere. A 4 day week, 3 day W.E. I think is a better balance. If this is not possible then try a 4 day 10-11hr week, gets you your 40-44 hours a week and leaves an extra day in the week.
try and swap saturday and sunday for tuesday-wednesday., Should save you plenty of time in traffic.
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