Search results for query: Ginger

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  1. mrk

    US: The Mandalorian

    Late to see the new ep but jumping in right now clutching bars of chocolates to munch on and a can of ginger beer. CHOCOLATES! This is the way.
  2. ljt

    Show us your kitty cats

    What is classed as a full days worth of that gourmet food? I.e. how much of a full day's worth is 1 of those packets? If its half his day then you just halve the dry food to 25g. Sometimes some food lists different amounts depending on the natural build of the cat I.e. target weight 3kg = 2...
  3. PapaLazaru

    Show us your kitty cats

    Question as I am reading conflicting information. I have an adult (4 year old) ginger male moggy, who the vet has said is overweight. He started on wet food only but I gradually got him onto a mix. Wet in the morning then dry for the rest of the day. He has one 85g pouch (Perle Gourmet)...
  4. ArcticHeron

    The OCUK Whisky (and Whiskey) review thread

    ...Dalwhinnie. A shame as I;ve always been an ardent defender of Gold Reserve and was hoping for more. The best thing about it was the JW Black Ginger Ale cocktail. 3 average drams + a cocktail. Aberlour We didn't actually tour the distillery as it's in silence at the moment and being...
  5. Kelt

    ***Hogwarts Legacy - RPG***

    To quote someone in Reddit... "Denuvo Removo!" Edit...beaten like a ginger step-child.
  6. 413x

    Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

    Never heard of them either
  7. xaldub

    PlayStation VR / VR2

    Enjoy it when it arrives ! Take an anti-nausea tablet or ginger whilst you wait in preparation for VR.
  8. hughtrimble

    Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

    I got onto Bundaberg because of you, and now you tell me you prefer Old Jamaica? I find it utter guff in comparison! I used to be an Old Jamaica fan (talking maybe 15 years ago) but then they seemed to kill off the fiery ginger and upped the sweetness. Bundaberg4eva thanks to you!
  9. LuckyBenski

    Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

    This is what I realised must be the case :p DG is a drinks brand who do a lot of traditional stuff like ginger beer and cream soda, probably the biggest brand I know for ginger beer. South London so surrounded by Carribbean food etc which is what I mostly associate ginger beer with? I bet if I...
  10. mrk

    Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

    I only discovered ginger beer last year! What's DG???
  11. LuckyBenski

    Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

    WTF, discovered?! Next you'll be telling me you haven't heard of DG. This forum makes no sense to me sometimes :(
  12. D

    Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

    Diabetes in a can tho :( Edit: it is actually far less than I expected. Half Coca Cola. TMYK.
  13. mrk

    Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

    After the Bundaberg ginger beer japes from before, I discovered Old Jamaica which I think I actually like even more. 6 cans for under £4, too. I think it's magic how an open can in the fridge can still have some fizz after 48hrs!
  14. Mobius 1

    Your favourite chilli sauce is?

    Ordered a selection of flying goose sriracha. Sriracha and ginger Sriracha and coconut Sriracha green chilli And sriracha with extra garlic (P.s I love sriracha)
  15. Ayahuasca

    Greenlizard0 PL & Championship Football Thread ** spoilers ** [11th - 15th February 2023]

    One of the biggest ifs of the season that. Could easily see them getting a big, bald, ginger slap tonight.
  16. danoliver1

    The disappearance of Nicola Bulley

    Looking for a male, ginger hair,glasses, blue uniform seen travelling with a black and white cat.
  17. Ahleckz

    Mindless youth of today

    My missus, from a working class area, gave me a right ribbing as I called it “ding dong dash”. She calls it “knock door run”. Apparently doorbells were a luxury in her day!
  18. wildman

    Mindless youth of today

    Knock DOwn Ginger was the preferred sport of the youth in the 80's. I would take that over a brick through the lounge window TBH
  19. WJA96

    Burns Night - Haggis!

    What exactly is ‘haggis seasoning’? With rusk! And the aforementioned MSG. Take a look at the ingredients list of the Crombies haggis you posted earlier in the thread. Natural casing, lamb offal, beef offal (probably to keep the cost down) oatmeal, onions, fats, salt and spices. That’s much...
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