Search results for query: Simping

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  1. D

    EV general discussion

    Stop simping for your employer lol
  2. Roar87

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    Was it you with the female personal trainer? Is she still stronger than you?
  3. wesimmo

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    I see Roar's had enough of simping for Putin in the Ukraine thread and is back here to make us laugh.
  4. humbug

    The Financial Results Thread

    Eh... i paid £440 for my 5080X, that's about £150 more than i normally spend on a CPU. At the time i had a Ryzen 3600, i need something better. Intel's best was the 10900K, in the most multithreaded of multithreaded workloads the 5800X was as fast or faster, at literally half the power...

    The Financial Results Thread

    ...or defending AM5 platform segmentation, or Intel selling quad cores for a decade. Or dorks defending predatory in-game monetisation,or simping for gamer girls. I mean this is literally like someone clapping for big oil profits, whilst paying more for petrol or their gas and wearing it as a...
  6. Roar87

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    Yeah he's seemed like a slightly autistic but decent guy on every podcast and interview I've watched him on. He's friendly, laughs, has a sense of humour - no idea where you're getting psychopath from.
  7. Begbie

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    Anytime someone disagrees in this thread their automatically a simp, I see the same retorts on twitter too. It's quite aggressive and embarrassing. You literally can't say anything positive without the obvious few resulting in childish, and really just **** patter, insults. Always seen ocuk as...
  8. Chris Wilson

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    Whats the antithesis of a "simper" 'cos with the leading post count of 1072 posts of abject negativity to Mr. Musk, you're the winner ;)
  9. Colonel_Klinck

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    My god man you are taking simping for Elon to levels that are just embarrassing. He is socially awkward, some say autistic, others psychopathic. His judgement on what is socially acceptable is terrible, which is why he deletes so many tweets when its pointed out he's stepped way over the line. I...
  10. G J

    NVIDIA 4000 Series

    ...called out and the game studios use to complain and blame PC gamers due to muh piracy for poor sales. Also recently there was loads of people simping for games going up £10 saying **** like the games quaility would also improve and poor game devs and look where we are. Well some people...
  11. diamount

    Piers Morgan on TalkTV gets one million subscribers.

    Simping for Piers Morgan now?
  12. Colonel_Klinck

    ** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

    I know what you mean but this is his living. They did a Our Ludicrous Future episode a few months ago when Elon was losing his **** on Twitter with the first paid verified roll out fiasco etc and all of them were clearly dancing around it and you could tell they thought he was being a douche but...
  13. Penfold101

    ** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

    To be fair I'm surprised he wasn't underneath Elon's table. The hard simping made me unsubscribe a few years ago...
  14. Tony Edwards

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    No they would still be simping for him. I think his political leanings are just a bonus for Muskerites.
  15. Chris Wilson

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    Looks like it, doesn't it? Licence fee payers must condemn.
  16. Tony Edwards

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    Am I getting this right? The people that havent been simping for Musk have now had a heavy blow dealt them because a BBC reporter didnt have stuff to hand? That is truly laughable but expected. I did like the covid isnt a thing anymore rebuttle from the covid misinformation spreader. The same...
  17. unwashed potato!

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    Jesus the users that defend Elon are just too good. You have users simping for elon saying his is giving free speech by allowing not just celebrities, but anyone to pay for a stupid blue tick, and they won't accept users critique that it causes an issue for those without blue ticks, and then...
  18. Caracus2k

    "More than 1,000 girls abused in Telford for generations" - Inquiry report published.

    ...and or sexual assaults/ rapes would stand up to that much scrutiny! Like for example serial white female DV abuser Amber Heard where there was plenty of discussion about the veracity of her allegations and a person who you spent a fair bit of time simping for in the thread about her and Depp.
  19. unwashed potato!

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    Finally. Been banking on some sexy doge coin pump for a while. If Elon can do that, I may join roar and start simping for Elon too :p
  20. Sankari

    The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

    Catturd has a pretty substantial following himself, so I've no doubt he's funded by paypigs. That $11 a month is unlikely to be coming out of his own pocket. The Patreon account for his podcast brings in $408 a month alone.
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