The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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We didn't send our soldiers in there with orders to murder and rape. We didn't purposefully bomb civilian apartment buildings. We didn't bomb buildings where hundreds of children were hiding in the basement and where it had been clearly marked outside the building that it was full of children. Did individual soldiers commit crimes, of course they did, its war but you attempting to compare UK/US troops to Russian is slightly sick.

Was the BBC or any US broadcaster saying we had to eradicate Iraqis, wipe them from the Earth, calling them vermin etc?

I am saying that Russian leaders should not be given the platform to spread their lies and propaganda for their own murderous purposes, you seem happy for them to do so. If they have something to say they have the UN which is designed for exactly that purpose.

Yeah, I'm going to be open minded about war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine, I'm certain some have happened, I'm also fully aware that we're exposed to Western propaganda in the UK and US so we definitely aren't getting an objective view. I don't trust a word either side has to say until I've seen things verified. I actually noticed the other day I wasn't even allowed to access Russia Today to see what they were saying, imagine that in 2023, not being allowed to read a news website like we're in ******* North Korea.
Better than that, Russia hold the presidency of the United Nations Security Council.

Nonetheless just because some people do not like their operations in Ukraine should not ostracise their president from what is hailed as a free speech platform.

As for whether the BBC were calling Russians names or not, that sort of thing is prevalent in here, and went uncommented.

The UN Security Council was designed so that the presidency would be moved every month between the permanent members and the elected members. That Russia is now in that position is irrelevant. The UN is an organisation designed for diplomacy, Twitter is not.

Twitter is not a free speech absolutist platform, it never has been and never will be. And no I don't think a dictator that is sending troops to murder, rape, kidnap and who's regime calls for genocide should be allowed to have his regime use that platform in the same way other leaders do, they should be throttled. I would imagine GAB would welcome him with open arms to say anything he wants.

People were/are calling for Russians to be eradicated, calling for genocide on here? Please point us to those posts and I'm sure the mods will have a word.
It is exactly about that, you are wanting to silence his ability to share his views/opinions/thoughts.
It is exactly what you are all in tears about.

No they were not banned from Twitter.

Russia has completely blocked access to Facebook in retaliation for the platform placing restrictions on state-owned media.

The Russian state communications regulator, Roskomnadzor, later said it had also restricted access to Twitter.

Twitter has limited content from more than 300 official Russian government accounts, including that of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The accounts will no longer be recommended in timelines, notifications or elsewhere on the site, Twitter said.

The company said it would take action against any country which "restricts access to the open internet while they're engaged in armed conflict".

Surely no one is this clueless.
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No they were not banned from Twitter.
Not what I said, how about addressing what I actually post.

There are even those with a Ukrainian flag in their bio who feel taking away freedom of speech and censoring those you do not agree with is wrong..and there can't be many who hate the Russian government more than those.

and just for clarity this is what I responded to as you made a rather disingenuous attempt at muddying the waters.


Note the giving a VOICE bit
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The UN Security Council was designed so that the presidency would be moved every month between the permanent members and the elected members. That Russia is now in that position is irrelevant. The UN is an organisation designed for diplomacy, Twitter is not.

Twitter is not a free speech absolutist platform, it never has been and never will be. And no I don't think a dictator that is sending troops to murder, rape, kidnap and who's regime calls for genocide should be allowed to have his regime use that platform in the same way other leaders do, they should be throttled. I would imagine GAB would welcome him with open arms to say anything he wants.

People were/are calling for Russians to be eradicated, calling for genocide on here? Please point us to those posts and I'm sure the mods will have a word.

I don't ask they have a word, I'm all for free speech, but post 41,337 says "Russia needs eradicating from the face of the planet", another post had the Russian people called "Slavic peasants", I could go on, but I suppose you don't mind that, but Russians having a say on so called free speech mediums, oh deary me no, we can't have their sort of dangerous opinions seen now, can we? Only the ones supporting your selective narrative.
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Then WTF do you keep saying free/dom of speech when they didnt have their freedom of speech removed?
Which part are you confused about?

Look at the bold bit.

Wikipedia said:
Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.
Isn't this what you are all in tears over, that you want the Russian government CENSORED, you want to take away their ability to communicate to the world, that they not be allowed to share their thoughts.
Now you are arguing is if that was never said, has there ever been a more dishonest lot than the yous.
Time and time again you lot get caught out lying.
It was only a few weeks ago I was here and there was some either illiterate or very dishonest poster who kept claiming he could not see the word PEACE in a post and it was an extremely short post.

Go ahead change your arguments....
I don't ask they have a word, I'm all for free speech, but post 41,337 says "Russia needs eradicating from the face of the planet", another post had the Russian people called "Slavic peasants", I could go on, but I suppose you don't mind that, but Russians having a say on so called free speech mediums, oh deary me no, we can't have their sort of dangerous opinions seen now, can we? Only the ones supporting your selective narrative.

I don't agree with the post saying "Russian need eradicating from the face of the planet", that goes too far imo.

You seem to think I am saying Russians shouldn't be allowed to have their posts on Twitter treated the same as other people. I clearly am not. I am saying the Russian regime shouldn't have their posts treated like those of other nations.
and just for clarity this is what I responded to as you made a rather disingenuous attempt at muddying the waters.


Note the giving a VOICE bit

I stand by that post. Elon is removing restrictions on the regime's Twitter accounts so they will now be the same as other nations who aren't committing war crimes. They fully deserve to have their accounts buried in the same way as those who don't pay for Twitter will have their accounts buried soon, though their crime will be not paying $8.

Are you saying that accounts that don't pay shouldn't have their accounts buried and should be treated exactly the same as those that pay? Just want to see who you stand on Elon's plan.
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Jesus the users that defend Elon are just too good.

You have users simping for elon saying his is giving free speech by allowing not just celebrities, but anyone to pay for a stupid blue tick, and they won't accept users critique that it causes an issue for those without blue ticks, and then you have users simping for Elon saying if Elon doesn't give the Russians tweets are 'for you' in others feeds, and doesn't give them blue tick features, then Russia is essentially banned! So they do think there is an issue for blue tick, in that those without it might as well be banned, but they only think that when it's the Russians and not for every day folk, those users should give their money to Elon so that they can be seen.

It's crazy. The defending of Elon, to then be defending Russia and Elon's idea that Russian tweets should be recommended to other users, and comparing it to the BBC interviewing Russian officials, it's just bonkers.
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