We didn't send our soldiers in there with orders to murder and rape. We didn't purposefully bomb civilian apartment buildings. We didn't bomb buildings where hundreds of children were hiding in the basement and where it had been clearly marked outside the building that it was full of children. Did individual soldiers commit crimes, of course they did, its war but you attempting to compare UK/US troops to Russian is slightly sick.
Was the BBC or any US broadcaster saying we had to eradicate Iraqis, wipe them from the Earth, calling them vermin etc?
I am saying that Russian leaders should not be given the platform to spread their lies and propaganda for their own murderous purposes, you seem happy for them to do so. If they have something to say they have the UN which is designed for exactly that purpose.
Yeah, I'm going to be open minded about war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine, I'm certain some have happened, I'm also fully aware that we're exposed to Western propaganda in the UK and US so we definitely aren't getting an objective view. I don't trust a word either side has to say until I've seen things verified. I actually noticed the other day I wasn't even allowed to access Russia Today to see what they were saying, imagine that in 2023, not being allowed to read a news website like we're in ******* North Korea.