yes.....its burnout time again

4 Jan 2004
Guys, all this talk of Lans, roser hacks etc has made me wanna play burnout

Anyone up for this tonight, tomz or some time this week?

Roser, monkee, fruit, chadd, nokkon.......anyone?

it has been far too long!
I reckon I could be cajoled into playing. Rosers console is with MS IIRC, suarvvvvvvvvvvve has sold Burnout... but if you can get a few playing I'm in.

Don't forget LadFromWales and CocoPops... I am sure there are others, but names slip me :(
ladfromwales is always on live so we'll just spam him with invites as per :)

forgot about rosers console :(

suarvvvvvvvvvvve apparantly needs a slap for selling it

so far theres 3 of us, more than likely monkee when he see's this post too. When do you guys fancy racing?
lol I'll see if i can get one of my friends to accompany me (was a forum regular, but not so much now days) but no promises!
dont worry J, there will be plenty of burnout at the lan :)

I've just phoned my friend, he's at work at the min but seems interested in the idea, gonna have a chat about it later tonight
Yeah, buy Burnout for the LAN Jason, I'm definitely gonna be playing it.

If my 360 comes back then I will, otherwise I'll wait till I get back. I still feel a bit ignorant in going on someone elses console and using it, just seems rude! :o
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