yes.....its burnout time again

Pffft were not talking to you - old fashioned wierdo TV watching freak!

On the plus side all my spoilers were dead on though I bet ;)
Good game good game, last achievement was April so its been a while since Ive played it. Up for more whenever anyone else is around.
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I was out playing Snooker, then I went to Nando's :(. I missed out :(.

I was looking for you to invite then realised you have removed me from your friends list, Nokkon doesn't love me anymore :(

Good few games I had though guys, would be up for more another time :)
I was out playing Snooker, then I went to Nando's :(. I missed out :(.

I hate you.

Nando's is (was) my favourite quick bite restaurant. When i was down in enfield there was one walking distance away. 4 years ago I moved to York (no Nandos), now I'm in Beverley (no Nandos here or in Hull). I've been once in 4 years. /cries
I hate you.

Nando's is (was) my favourite quick bite restaurant. When i was down in enfield there was one walking distance away. 4 years ago I moved to York (no Nandos), now I'm in Beverley (no Nandos here or in Hull). I've been once in 4 years. /cries

I've never actually been but some guys at work here go to the one in Middlesbrough all the time.

Err yeah Burnout, cars vrooooom vrooooom! /back on topic ;)
awesome night guys :)

ladfromwales, i actually said last night, that its like the one night your not here and we're all burnouting lol sods law!

we've discovered you can't use the guitar hero guitar as a controller for burnout lol, theres no accelerate or brake button, but you have everything else :) you just have to hold the wammy bar half down to keep the camera behind the car otherwise it will spin round wildly
I don't cheat :(

It's a sad day when a gamer doesn't recognise using hacks as cheating... :(

;) :p

Sorry for not coming back lads, after Heroes I did turn the console on to come rejoin the fun but remembered I hadn't eaten yet! By the time I came back again you'd had all gone :(
I pwned you all, I just slipped into the background so that not to cause offence.
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