Road to the BNBF Welsh Qualifiers 2011 - Progess Journal



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
Get down to 80 and you'll weigh the same as me ;)
I'd be interested to see what you look like at 80kg as I'm not carrying much fat at this weight.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Having a really rough day today, woke up in a bad mood and just craving so many foods, I'm only midway through week 3 but it's getting really tough.

Doesn't help when everyone is eating really nice food from downstairs and going on about how nice it is, people bringing in chocolates and doughnuts argh

I miss flavour :(
14 Oct 2008
Having a really rough day today, woke up in a bad mood and just craving so many foods, I'm only midway through week 3 but it's getting really tough.

Doesn't help when everyone is eating really nice food from downstairs and going on about how nice it is, people bringing in chocolates and doughnuts argh

I miss flavour :(

Sounds a bit silly, but what I do to counter any cravings for a junk food binge, is take Vitamin C tablets (1/2 a day), the orange sugary flavouring is lush :p
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
To be fair mate, that's not a bad idea, I should be taking Vitamin C supplements anyway really given the lack of veg and healthy food. So may start doing that

I almost cream myself at nights when I have my bedtime shake that happens to be chocolate flavour, the only treat of the day
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Surely you can eat good amounts of spinach? I've learnt to like a big bowl full, even when I don't dress it with basamic vinegar (not balsamic dressing, just vinegar).
28 Apr 2009
Your back is looking big Steedie, keep it up :)

As for the weight classes aim high, as in the harder one to get onto. So I guess I mean aim low :confused:

Anyway worst thing that could happen is that you miss it and just get to go back next year bigger and badder :)
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 14th February - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Standing Lateral Raise 2x50 (7kg, 7kg)
Seated BB Press 4x8 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Standing Front Raises 3x12 (14kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Lying DB Rear Delt Raises 3x10 (16kg, 18kg, 18kg)
Seated BB Press Behind Head 2x8 (60kg, 60kg)
Single Arm Cable Raises 3x12 (15kg, 17.5kg, 20kg)
BB Shrugs 4x12 (80kg, 90kg, 100kg, 100kg)

Tuesday 15th February - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Leg Extension 3x12 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Back Squats 4x8 (100kg, 100kg, 90kg, 90kg)
Front Squats 1x8 (70kg)
Leg Press 5x10 (200kg, 200kg, 200kg, 200kg, 200kg)
Hamstring Curls 3x12 (55kg, 55kg, 55kg)
Leg Extension 21s 2x (40kg, 40kg)
BB Lunges 2x8 (20kg, 20kg)
Calf Raises 3x20 (150kg, 170kg, 170kg)

Thursday 17th February - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (26kg, 26kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg)
Flat Bench Press 3x8 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Chest Press 2x10 (50kg, 50kg)
Incline Smith Press 4x10 (75kg, 75kg, 75kg, 75kg)
Cable Pushdowns 3x15 2x10 (30kg, 30kg, 35kg, 27.5kg, 25kg)
Seated Tricep Extensions 3x12 (24kg, 24kg, 24kg)
Closegrip Bench Press 2x25 (30kg, 30kg)

Friday 18th February- Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Deadlifts 5x6 (100kg, 100kg, 100kg, 100kg 100kg)
Bent Over Rows 5x10 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
TBar Rows 3x10 (40kg, 50kg, 70kg)
Lat Pulldowns 5x10 (55kg, 55kg, 55kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Barbell Curls 21s 2x21 (30kg, 30kg)
Seated Hammer Curls 3x8 (20kg, 20kg, 22kg)
Standing Alternate DB Curls 3x8 (16kg, 16kg, 14kg)
Concentration Curls 2x5 (14kg, 14kg)

Ok week again this week, my strength is still improving slightly in some exercises and I still feel like I have plenty of energy which is positive

I had a massively frustrating legs day though, squatting just didn't feel right, couldn't get on with it and struggled with 100kg because of my knees. So had to drop to 90kg. Then the smith machine wasn't playing ball with front squats and couldn't get the bar to rotate forward so could only manage one set. Ended up quite angry and swearing at the machine for a good 20 seconds to myself, must have looked odd to anyone watching :p

Cardio has been good this week too, my fitness is coming along nicely. Ran 30 minutes yesterday instead of the cross trainer like I normally do and just ran around the rugby fields, came to 30 minutes and I wasn't even tired which is really good for me.

Weighed in at 88.5kg (-2.5kg)
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Just spent an hour with Rob going through the quarter turn poses as well as a few other (front double bicep, lat spread and side chest)

Posing it tough :( Tensing absolutely everything as well as getting every bit of oxygen out of your lungs and pulling your stomach in, constantly, is absolutely knackering

Still, I'm pleased I can practise those in my own time though.

Standing in front of him in nothing but my pants was a little uncomfortable, especially as he's in shape and I'm not :p
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Still can't do legs shots :/ FUUUU




End of Week 2
End of Week 1
End Of Off Season 30/01/11
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4 May 2007
West Midlands
Losing a lot of fat there, most notably in your tris and stomach.

Keep it up.

Personally I've not done well in the last two weeks on the weight loss front, my binges are far too big at the weekend.

You got any tips to quench hunger? A personal favourite is sugar free jelly :) nom (Probably making you jealous as you cant eat it :p) also quite like pepsi max. Need to cut down my consumption of fizzy diet drinks though (to save my teeth).
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Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 21st February - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated DB Press 5x8 (24kg, 24kg, 26kg, 26kg, 26kg)
Single Arm Cable Raises 3x12 (15kg, 17.5kg, 20kg)
Standing Front Raises 3x12 (14kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Seated BB Press Behind Head 3x8 (60kg, 60kg, 70kg)
Lying DB Rear Delt Raises 3x10 (16kg, 18kg, 18kg)
BB Shrugs 4x12 (90kg, 90kg, 100kg, 100kg)

Tuesday 22nd February - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Leg Extension 3x12 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Back Squats 4x8 (100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 120kg, 110kg)
Front Squats 2x8 (70kg, 70kg)
Hamstring Curls 3x12 (55kg, 55kg, 55kg)
Leg Extension 21s 2x (40kg, 40kg)
Leg Press 5x10 (200kg, 200kg, 200kg, 200kg, 200kg)
BB Lunges 2x8 (20kg, 20kg)
Calf Raises 3x20 (150kg, 170kg, 170kg)

Thursday 23rd February - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (26kg, 26kg, 35kg, 35kg, 35kg)
Incline Smith Press 4x10 (75kg, 75kg, 75kg, 75kg)
Flat Bench Press 3x8 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Incline Flies 3x10 (14kg, 16kg, 16kg)
Cable Pushdowns 3x15 2x10 (30kg, 30kg, 35kg, 27.5kg, 25kg)
Skulcrushers 3x12 (30kg, 30kg, 32.5kg)
Closegrip Bench Press 1x25 (30kg)

Friday 24th February- Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Bent Over Rows 5x10 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Deadlifts 5x6 (100kg, 100kg, 100kg, 100kg 100kg)
Lat Pulldowns 5x10 (55kg, 55kg, 55kg, 70kg, 70kg)
TBar Rows 3x10 (40kg, 50kg, 70kg)
Seated Alternate DB Curls 3x8 (12kg, 12kg, 14kg)
Seated Hammer Curls 3x8 (20kg, 22kg, 24kg)
Bar Curls 2x14 (20kg, 20kg)

Back to some higher volume on legs day this week, managed to get up to 120kg for squats and managed 2 sets of front squats again. Rest of the body is still feeling strong, not had to drop any weights at all and again, still able to increase in some areas.

Doing 24kg hammer curls was really good for me, arms felt huge after and with the weight loss I'm starting to get some good definition when I'm pumped which is rather :cool:

Down to just under 87kg too which is another steady drop :)
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Legs are really starting to come through now. Some good lines coming in and it's the first time I'm able to see the hard work paying off.

Annoying thing is right now it seems to only be coming off my legs and bum, everywhere else seems to be sticking right now, or at least I'm not noticing it much
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Legs are really starting to come through now. Some good lines coming in and it's the first time I'm able to see the hard work paying off.

Annoying thing is right now it seems to only be coming off my legs and bum, everywhere else seems to be sticking right now, or at least I'm not noticing it much

You might not notice it but I'm sure the rest of us will when you stick your next photos up, good to hear your lower halfs starting to lean up :) its a definite boost when you start to notice the work your putting in is showing results.
25 Sep 2006
Annoying thing is right now it seems to only be coming off my legs and bum, everywhere else seems to be sticking right now, or at least I'm not noticing it much

The way it usually goes for me too mate. Comes off my legs, back and chest first. Then eventually shoulders, arms stomach.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Got my USN pure from Argos, £50 for two tubs but as it's only a bedtime supp for me that will last until the competition for me. So saved me loads

I picked mine up on my way to the gym this afternoon, looking forward to giving it a go tonight its supposed to taste awesome
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