BIOS Settings can be found
Looking through your bios settings and to acheive a 4.0Ghz @ 200bclk I would suggest:
Advanced CPU Features:
CPU Clock Ratio ................................ [21x] --- [20x]
Intel(R) Turbo Boost Tech .................. [Disabled]
CPU Cores Enabled ............................ [All]
CPU Multi Threading .......................... [Enabled]
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) ................... [Disabled]
C3/C6/C7 State Support .................... [Disabled]
CPU Thermal Monitor ......................... [Enabled] --- [Disabled]
CPU EIST Function ............................ [Disabled]
Virtualization Technology ................... [Enabled]
Bi-Directional PROCHOT ..................... [Enabled] --- [Disabled]
Uncore & QPI Features:
QPI Link Speed .............................. x36 --- [32x if available, leave if not]
Uncore Frequency .......................... x16 --- [20x if possible, highest if 20x not available]
Isonchronous Frequency ..................[Enabled] --- [Disabled]
Standard Clock Control:
Base Clock (BCLK) Control ................ [Enabled]
BCLK Frequency (MHz) .....................181 --- [200]
PCI Express Frequency (MHz) ........... [100]
C.I.A.2 [Disabled]
Advanced Clock Control:
CPU Clock Drive ..............................[900mV]
PCI Express Clock Drive ................... [800mV]
CPU Clock Skew ............................. [0ps]
IOH Clock Skew ............................. [0ps]
Advanced DRAM Features:
Performance Enhance ...................... [Standard]
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P) ......... [Disabled]
System Memory Multiplier (SPD) ........ [8]
DRAM Timing Selectable (SPD) .......... [Quick] --- [Standard]
Channel A + B + C
Channel A Timing Settings:
##Channel A Standard Timing Control##
CAS Latency Time ......................8 --- [9]
tRCD .......................................8 --- [9]
tRP .........................................8 --- [9]
tRAS .......................................24 --- [27]
##Channel A Advanced Timing Control##
tRC ........................................ [auto]
tRRD ....................................... [auto]
tWTR ...................................... [auto]
tWR ........................................ [auto]
tWTP ....................................... [auto]
tWL ........................................ [auto]
tRFC ....................................... [auto]
tRTP ....................................... [auto]
tFAW ...................................... [auto]
Command Rate (CMD) ................ [auto] --- [2]
##Channel A Misc Timing Control##
Round Trip Latency ...................
B2B CAS Delay ..........................
Advanced Voltage Control:
Load Line Calibration ................. [Enabled]
Dynamic Vcore (DVID) ............... [Normal]
CPU Vcore ............................... 1.325v --- [1.38125v]
QPI/VTT Voltage 1.150v ............1.195v --- [Auto or 1.4v]
CPU PLL 1.800v ....................... [auto] --- [1.9080v]
PCIE 1.500v ........................... [auto]
QPI PLL 1.100v ....................... [auto]
IOH Core 1.100v ..................... [auto]
ICH I/O 1.500v ....................... [auto]
ICH Core 1.1v ........................ [auto]
DRAM Voltage 1.500v .............. 1.66v --- [possibly increase to 1.7v]
DRAM Termination 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-A Data VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-B Data VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-C Data VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-A Address VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-B Address VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-C Address VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Run Intel Burn Test (20 times - High Stress - 8 Threads) to check stability.
If stable, you can then proceed to reduce Vcore and recheck - if Gflops start dropping on stability test (from previous test scores) you know you have gone too far (another obvious sign is instability).
Before you try the above (if you try the above) make sure you do the Intel Burn Test and record results for comparison.
Edit (again): Incidently, these settings allow my i7 930 to run at 4.2Ghz - I could try to improve, but I really can't be bothered spending the time to do so (knowing I will only have to do it again once I replace the CPU).