You need to buy wipe out 2048. HD and fury are then free expansion packs.
Cross-Buy also works visa-versa. The WipEout® 2048 Complete Pack on PS Vita is free to anyone who has bought from the PS Store and already owns WipEout® HD and WipEout® HD Fury for PS3
I'm looking forward to Gravity rush. I rented it as it seems too short to buy.
Thats odd Ry, do you know how you got the game?
I know I bought mine from the store as it was the first thing I bought when I got the PS3!
Played the first race on Fury last night (not got around to it on the PS3 yet). So much content in 2048 now.
Also finally spent the few minutes to set up some backgrounds from the NeoGAF backgrounds thread yesterday. Looks so much slicker now. Should have done it ages ago.
Went for MagicalTrevors Nature pack for now. With a white background with the PS logo in the centre for the start screen.
Figured it out I originally got HD on my account with the start of PS+. Then after the PSN outage with the welcome back package, i got 2 games on my account, and 2 games on my bro's account. One of the games on my bro's account was Wipeout HD + Fury. Hence, I only have HD on my account so will have to buy Fury if I want it. Booo! Will buy it when I see it on a deal or if I complete the HD content and want more. I prefer HD to Fury anyway.
does anyone have any idea what type of adaptor i need to take charge my vita in mexico?
also ive downloaded the images for the wallpapers on to my vita but how to actually set them up?
Ooh where from?