***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

Bought a Vita recently mainly for the PS4 Remote play functionality but I have found myself playing.

Super Meat Boy
Steam World Dig
and Tetris

I seem to have accumulated loads of games over the years with PS+ so should keep me going for a while.

I might even get round to using the remote play at some point!

Remote play was a pleasant surprise to me. I was heading away from home and didn't want to bring my PS4 with me so the vita worked a treat (been playing Destiny on it). Quite helpfully, they've remapped some of the buttons and whoever did it was an angel on earth.

In other news, I've also played quite a bit of Fez on it :)
Does anyone know of a good RPG for the Vita? Graphically I'd like something that look like pixelated. Why does it seem that the only RPG games we have are all ported from the PSP?
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