Only because I know Russia and Scotland will win and I can't get either a Thai or Turkish beer easily so I don't care! And just to make your tally list longer
Singha or Efes are fairly readily available in most supermarkets
Only because I know Russia and Scotland will win and I can't get either a Thai or Turkish beer easily so I don't care! And just to make your tally list longer
That was entertaining I hope we have more names in the hat deciders!
I knew it would be that hat.
Awesome mate.
Wait, what is that?!
ooo oooo pick me pick me pick ME!
My votes are as follows
Scotland (home of Ahleckz & Sonea Fifer)
And I cant decide between Thailand or Turkey!
nice choices guys and DJ that video is epic hahahaha
Hat was clearly rigged. Where was Turkmenistan in the draw?!