So I failed my driving test... again.

30 Sep 2003
Other concerns with the instructor? If I make a mistake on a lesson, he doesn't just calmy let me know, he seems to throw a tantrum and get ****ed off, very quickly. He has also made it into a habit to show up 5/10 minutes late to each lesson recently, however doesn't add the extra time on.

I wouldn't stop completely, just take a break for a bit. I've spent a load of money on it so far so I wouldn't just give up, but a break could do me good, is what I thought at least!

Instructor sounds like a berk. I was pretty slow at picking up driving to start with but my instructor (a little chinese woman walled Pwi Ha!) was great. If there was something I couldn't get to grips with she would tackle it and repeat the same thing over and over until it was second nature.

One day I had a lesson during rush hour and was at a roundabout and did the whole "shall I go, errr.... er...." thing and in my panic I floored the clutch, near enough hit the rev limiter and dropped the clutch and did the worlds most tyre smoking burnout a 1.4 Clio has ever seen. Her reaction... she laughed! "You see that old ladys face?! You a bad man! Now don't do that on your test!"

I knew I'd messed up, she knew I knew and also knew that if she said anything negative about it the rest of the lesson would have been written off as my (very limited) confidence would have been knocked.

The point I'm trying to make is that there is an instructor out there to suit everyone so if yours doesn't suit you, and from the description he'd have been useless for me, then find another.

I'd avoid having a break though, get back in the saddle ASAP.
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27 Dec 2005
From your posts it sounds as though you're having no practice outside of your lessons. Get out there and practice. Print out the test routes for your test centre and learn the roads you'll use for your tests.
21 Jan 2003
To be honest you're better off practicing with a family member or anybody over 21 with a licence. You should be trying to react to things by yourself more that way you will get more confident.

And try and get a hold of the Driving Test Success DVD it has a complete video from a mock driving test which is useful to watch to see what the examiner is looking for and to get you familiar with the whole test setting.
15 Aug 2006
As above, sounds like the very thing an instructor shouldn't be. Ditch him and go with someone else for sure. (Drive with a family member while you find a new instructor to keep everything fresh)

Don't take a break, you've had a knock in confidence again and the break can easily turn into weeks, months etc.
I ended up doing this as my first instructor was only ever concerned about money and making people continually have lessons without doing any manoeuvres and generally gave little in the way of assistance when it was needed...
My break lasted well over a year until I got some confidence back with a new instructor who was excellent, calm and helpful.

My biggest driving regret is taking that break between tests. I could have been on the road so much earlier enjoying the freedom (and as a result cheaper insurance, sooner!)
11 Jan 2012
I'll speak to my parents later to see what they think about letting me on their insurance. Tbh it'll be my mums Rover Streetwise I'd be put on as my dad has a van. The clutch in that car is horrible. So stiff! Anyways, I would agree that I do need more practice outside of lessons, would help a boat load. I'll also look around and ask friends about different instructors, see what they say. :)

I'll see if I can get a copy of that DVD also. Thanks!
20 Jul 2005
Not been shown the show me tell me stuff until just before the test is normal, you only get asked a couple of questions and its pretty straightforward.

I failed first time, I was using a different car which I've only had two hours in and I came from a diesel to a petrol. Coming out of the test center which is only a small road, leading onto a main road and roundabout. He had told me to go right at roundabout, I was too busy making sure I didn't stall as I was still getting used to the clutch I completely forgot about the right turn until I was there. Major due to turning right from the left hand lane!

Anyway to the point! Yes a new driving instructor could be useful but it does sound like really you just need a little more practice while your out there. You know the reason you've failed is mostly down to what you have done. Hopefully your learning from that, and won't repeat it!

You can't get failed on the interdependent drive no matter where you go. If you are unsure about something, e.g if your meant take first exit on a roundabout and you notice to late then just go the wrong way. You can lose a mark but its not a major, as long you were sensible and whichever way you went drove in a safe manor.

After failing that first test, I really wasn't worried about resitting even if I did fail again. What they are looking at is very straight forward.

I passed my second time, but that did involve me taking the first exit on a roundabout because I didn't see the sign and didn't have a clue where to go. Made a choice to go the first exit then park up. Explained I missed the sign and wasn't sure.. He pretty much sat there and said he didnt have a clue how i missed the sign, He even warned me it was coming up as it was slightly hidden. But I didnt do anything wrong, everything was safe and I just needed to turn around and carry on going the correct route!

--Short version, get a new guy if you want but really just focus on what you've doing and do it safely. Pretty sure you'll learn from any mistakes you make. --
15 Oct 2006
Practice out of lessons sounds like it will really help It will allow you to drive loads and most importantly you'll gain the confidence needed to pass the test. Driving is like any other skilled task - difficult to begin with as there are so many things to consider beyond the mechanics of controlling the vehicle, but increasingly easy with practice until it becomes second nature. Find a new instructor, have a couple of lessons a month whilst you get some hours under your belt in your parents car and then book a test, a short run of lessons to polish up just before and you'll be sorted :)
8 Jan 2013
Always practice with family members in my opinion. I failed my test first time on something silly with 3 minors. But that made me a better driver as I was pretty cocky to begin with. Anyway after that didnt take anymore lessons with an instructor just went out with my dad pretty much every spare bit of time i had. he took me to the next test and past with 1 minor happy days. keep at it but id recomend getting more practice in.
5 Sep 2006
West Ewell, Surrey
Definitely agree with the practicing with family member's argument, especially as your current instructor doesn't sound the greatest if I'm honest from what you have said.

FWIW I only had lessons from my dad at the beginning to learn how to drive the car and then had 10 professional lessons with an instructor and passed first time. Personally my dad an I didn't really see the point in throwing money away to learn clutch control and the other basic things.

Obviously some people learning to drive don't have this luxury but this was my experience :)
11 Jan 2012
Reviving this thread from the grave!

So, after I posted this thread I took all points into consideration and eventually moved to a different instructor.

Funny story. The instructor I moved to was with the original driving school I started off with, the driving school my previous instructor "moved away from". My new instructor told me the previous one had so many complaints against him for numerous things, including attitude and time keeping he was asked to leave the school.

Anyway. Had about a 5/6 lessons with the new guy, he sorted out a flew flaws with my driving and made it an all round nicer experience. Booked my test again and passed! I had 6 minors as well which I didn't think was too bad!

Looking into getting a first car now with a budget of up to £1000 because I don't really want to spend an arm and a leg and end up smashing it up if anything did happen.

So really just wanted to say thanks everyone for the advise! And if you're able to help me out with ideas for a first car that would be spot on!
27 Jul 2011
Edit - didn't read the whole thread.

Congrats! :D

Now, go find yourself a mk1 focus 1.6 in zetec trim with the climate pack for around £800 and enjoy your new found freedom!
19 Oct 2010
North Staffs
Reviving this thread from the grave!

Booked my test again and passed! I had 6 minors as well which I didn't think was too bad!

Looking into getting a first car now with a budget of up to £1000 because I don't really want to spend an arm and a leg and end up smashing it up if anything did happen.

So really just wanted to say thanks everyone for the advise! And if you're able to help me out with ideas for a first car that would be spot on!

Nice one, good to hear you persevered and got you license..:):)

The biggy as a new driver will be insurance cost. I know you've said you have a budget of £1000 but is that for both or just the vehicle. By coincidence my nephew has just passed his test (18) and bought a 1.2 Clio which was £1700. His insurance was almost £1400.. The first few years of driving are pretty expensive. Whatever car you find, get an insrance quote first before you buy it, insurance nay well cost more that the car.

Good luck tyre kicking and well done again.
1 Sep 2004
I had an AA instructor first who would get really annoyed/excessively lurch around in his seat whenever I stalled.. rang them up and got a refund then a different instructor after 4 lessons, passed test first time.

Still, I don't remember either instructor going through the vehicle check questions with me. I just answered them with common sense guesses on the day.

Reminded me of the Peep Show episode where Mark has a lesson.
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