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R9 290X Owners Thread

18 Oct 2012
As I've been looking to upgrade from my 780 to a ti or TITAN I've now found myself looking at 290x's as well :eek:

Any models in particular that are excellent? Do any AMD brands have transferable warranty as I may buy used.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom

Lol, i love myself a good corporate weasel video. :D :cool:

As I've been looking to upgrade from my 780 to a ti or TITAN I've now found myself looking at 290x's as well :eek:

Any models in particular that are excellent? Do any AMD brands have transferable warranty as I may buy used.

I don't think any have transferable warranty. However the person in the MM would most likely help you with warranty if needed. I know i do with everything i sell there.

For a card that will stand up to a 780TI in terms of power, overclocking, cooling and vram id go for this one.

For a card that will stand up to a 780/titan id go for this one.

These are pretty new though and they're extremely popular cards so im not sure how easy it would be for you to source a second hand one. The plus side is brand new they cost about the same as a second hand titan/780TI.


Like your red theme there. :cool:
6 Dec 2013
Hey All, I just finished watercooling the PC (CPU and 290X) and I was wondering are there any rough guides on how I can slighlty over clock the 290X? I tried a few settings in the Overdrive ATI control panel but soon as I start changing the power and speed of anything my games run smoothly but start getting strange looking textures on the screen :(
10 Nov 2009
Hey All, I just finished watercooling the PC (CPU and 290X) and I was wondering are there any rough guides on how I can slighlty over clock the 290X? I tried a few settings in the Overdrive ATI control panel but soon as I start changing the power and speed of anything my games run smoothly but start getting strange looking textures on the screen :(
For a start you want to use MSI afterburner instead of the Overdrive/Powertune bit in the driver. That will also give you voltage control once you've checked the option in the Afterburner settings.

Gradually increase the core clock, checking stability as you go. I believe most 290Xs should be able to get to 1100 core clock on stock voltage. Given you've got a waterblock on it (and so don't have to worry about temps) you may as well up the voltage as well and see if how far you can go.

Then do the same with the memory clock. If you get a black screen that is then the memory clock is too high, if the game/driver crashes then it's usually the core clock that's too high.

Games also use the card differently so you may find a setting that's stable in one game but not another so check lots of things. Oddly I find Dirt 3 more very suseptible to memory instability even though it's fairly undemanding graphically for instance.

I am not an expert by any means but that should get you started.
6 Dec 2013
Cheers for the reply, so basically do one thing at a time and gradually increase each until I am happy, I assume there are some limits that I should not go over ? I mean under full load the card never even goes about 36c at the moment so guessing I got quite abit of room to play with settings?
10 Nov 2009
The only thing to worry about is voltage and given you're watercooling you don't have to worry much. Afterburner limits you to +100mV which is completely safe for a 24/7 overclock. To get more you can use command-line switches (http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18556274) or flash an ASUS bios and use GPUTweak but I have had problems with GPUTweak myself so wouldn't recommend that.

If you're just after a decent overclock I'd set it to +100mv and 1150 core clock, check stability and then see if you can get it towards 1200 if you want. Memory clcoks seem to vary a lot between cards so you'll just have to work that one out.
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6 Dec 2013
Many thanks for the above, I am aiming for just abit of overclocking as don't really want to go anything extreme so I will just push the standard Afterburner settings as after reading the command line tweaks it goes rather out of my depth lol.

Ill post up tonight if I get it all going :) stupid question but as I an new to this overclocking stuff, would it actually give a noticeable improvement to my frame rate if say I got it to +100mv and say 1150-1200 along with some type of memory clock?
10 Nov 2009
Yes, you will see an increase in the number of frames per second but whether or not that actually makes a difference when playing is dependant on the game, resolution, monitor refresh rate etc.

For instance if you game at 1080p with a 60hz monitor the 290X at stock will power through anything. At 1440p/120hz the extra 15-20% will be more useful.
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