Please post details listed below.
Ref or Non Ref.
Number of Cards.
Worked or Sent Back.
GK110 Cards.
GTX 780
KFA2 reference, Rusty0611, 1/0 Worked and still working fine, Link
EVGA Classified, whyscotty, 2/0 All worked, Link
Gigabyte reference, OCPete, 1/0 Worked and still working fine, Link
MSI Gaming Edition, shatpank81, 1/0 Working, Had it for about 5 months, Link
Gainward reference, Fulax, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Inno3D iChill Herculez, Fulax, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA Classified, Nickolp1974, 2/0 both worked flawless, Link
Gainward Phantom GLH, Lex1970, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x "GHz Edition, peahead, 1/0 worked and is still working great, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x, setter, 1/0 Bought second hand on here, works fine, Link
Zotac Reference, KaRLiToS, 2/0 Worked flawlessly, Link
Gainward Phantom GLH, pgi947, 2/0 no problem with either, Link
MSI Gaming Edition OC, AWPC, 1/0 worked flawlessly from new via OCUK, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x, tonyli3, 1/0 owned around 4 months, great card, Link
ichill Hercules ultra, Ian Evey, 1/0 very impressed with it and runs cool and quiet, Link
Palit reference, Tonester0011, 1/0 Worked no problems, Link
MSI reference, Sgt_Pepper, 2/0 bought at the same time both work flawlessly, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x OC Rev2.0, mk17, 1/0 Worked first time, Link
MSI Lightning, Nickolp1974, 1/0 Worked great, Link
Gigabyte reference, LambChop, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA Classified, systemerror, 1/0 Flawless out the box, Link
MSI reference, Gripen90, 2/0 Both working 100%, Link
MSI TwinFrozr Gaming OC, Gripen90, 1/0 Working 100%, Link
Palit Super Jetstream, Gripen90, 1/0 Working 100%, Link
Asus Direct CU II OC, Gripen90, 1/0 Working 100% minor coil whine, Link
Inno3D IchiLL HerculeZ X3 Ultra DHS, Gripen90, 1/0 working 100% though a bit coilwhiney, Link
EVGA SuperClocked, Gripen90, 1/0 Working 100%, Link
EVGA SuperClocked, RetrogamerX, 1/0 3 months old. Working , no issues, Link
EVGA Classified, MrMoonX, 1/0 Worked fine straight out, Link
EVGA SuperClocked, PhysicsMan94, 3/1 My first EVGA SC had corruption issues, Link
Gigabyte reference, Krisali, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x OC, triss, 1/0 Worked great out of the Box, Link
Gigabyte reference, johny dolan, 1/0 Worked perfect from day 1, Link
EVGA reference, johny dolan, 1/0 Worked perfect from day 1, Link
Gainward reference, PCM2, 1/0 No issues at all with the card, Link
Asus reference, Nocky24, 1/0 Worked straight out of the box, Link
EVGA SC reference, Nocky24, 1/0 bought from Raven, Link
EVGA ACX FTW, pastymuncher, 1/0 No problems with card or drivers, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x OC, Vuvuzela, 1/1 Keeps crashing any game I play, Link
EVGA SC ACX, Aneskimo, 1/0 So far its a cracker!, Link
Gigabyte reference, llamadal, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA Classified, Geeman1979, 2/0 No problems, Link
Gigabyte WF3 OC Rev 2.0, Suarez7, 1/0 Bought on the MM, still works perfectly, Link
Gigabyte WF3 GHZ Edition, Rroff, 1/0 Worked, Link
PNY XLR8 OC, Panos, 1/0 Worked, Link
Gigabyte OC WF3 rev.1, Andi-C, 1/0 Fine since the day I bought it, Link
EVGA Classified, DCat, 1/1 Coil whine and rattling. Going to RMA, Link
MSI Gaming, smilertoo, 1/0 Worked fine 1st time, Link
GTX 780ti
EVGA Dual Classified ACX, Parabellum, 1/0 Worked Flawlessly, Link
EVGA SC Reference, MjFrosty, 3/0 all work fine, Link
EVGA Reference, thefogo, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Asus Direct CU II OC, thefogo, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Palit Jetstream, thefogo, 1/1 whining fan problem, Link
EVGA SC Reference, jh30UK, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Gigabyte Ghz edition, Scotty123, 1/0 Had some coil whine initially but it disappeared after a week or so, Link
MSI reference, AWPC, 1/0 worked flawlessly from new via OCUK, Link
EVGA Classified Nickolp1974, 1/0 Superb, Link
MSI reference, Sin_Chase, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA reference, Jobe, 1/0 Still working great, Link
Inno3D reference, Dicehunter, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA Classified, nicnik, 1/1 needed voltage boost for stock clocks to work, Link
EVGA SC reference, nick.lidgett, 2/0 Both worked out of the box, Link
Gigabyte reference, offmyed, 1/0 Worked perfectly, Link
Pailt Jetstream, vonex, 1/0 Works perfectly, Link
MSI reference, mmj_uk, 1/0 £500 well spent in my book, Link
Gainward reference, Rroff, 1/0 Worked, Link
EVGA kingpin, provost, 1/0 No issues, Link
EVGA SC reference, Mightyashy, 2/0 Worked from day 1, Link
Asus reference, Kaapstad, 4/0 All worked, Link
Asus reference, whyscotty, 3/1 one that died after about 5 weeks, Link
Gigabyte reference, whyscotty, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Asus reference, MjFrosty, 3/0 all work fine, Link
Asus reference, Gregster, 2/1 one failed, Link
EVGA reference, Gregster, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Asus reference, layte, 2/0 Bought on launch day, still going strong, Link
Gigabyte reference, andybird123, 3/0 all worked/working fine, Link
Gigabyte reference, Cosimo, 2/0 Worked perfectly from day one, Link
EVGA reference, provost, 6/3 changed three Titans due to performance, Link
Asus reference, provost, 1/0 No issues, Link
GK104 Cards.
GTX 770
MSI Gaming Edition, ndaar, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Palit OC, teddy3578, 1/0 Working 100%, Link
MSI Lightning, Smok3alot, 2/0 No problems at all!, Link
MSI Gaming Edition, FuF, 1/0 No issues whatsoever, Link
Gigabyte 4GB, Geeman1979, 1/0 No problems, Link
EVGA Superclock 2GB edition, riskyfrisky, 1/0 Working as good as ever, Link
GTX 690
Asus reference, Stas823, 1/0 Worked first go, Link
Asus reference, Kaapstad, 2/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA reference, Kaapstad, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
MSI reference, Cosimo, 1/0 Worked perfectly from day one, Link
Asus reference, llamadal, 1/1 DOA, Link
Gainward reference, Geeman1979, 2/0 No problems, Link
EVGA reference, provost, 2/0 No issues, Link
GTX 680
Zotac Amp Edition, KaRLiToS, 2/0 Worked fine, Link
Asus reference, Jobe, 1/0 Worked till flogged on, Link
EVGA reference, Gregster, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
MSI Lightning, Gregster, 2/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA 4GB FTW, jh30uk, 1/0 No issues, Link
Palit Jetstream, JeffyB, 1/0 No issues, Link
MSI Lightning, llamadal, 1/1 Artifacts after 8 months, Link
Gigabyte windforce x3, Fire_fly, 1/0 No known problems, Link
MSI reference, melmac, 3/2 Original card replaced twice, Link
EVGA reference, Nocky24, 1/0 Worked absolutely fine, Link
GTX 670
Asus Direct CU II 4GB, OLDPHART, 2/0 worked straight out the box, Link
KFA2 EX OC, Ian Evey, 1/0 worked for 18 months without a problem, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, pgi947, 1/0 No problems, Link
Asus Direct CU II, pgi947, 1/0 No problems, Link
Zotac Amp Edition, pgi947, 1/0 No problems, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, setter, 2/0 No issues on either card, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, Tonester0011, 1/0 Worked no problems, Link
Asus Direct CU II, Tonester0011, 2/0 Worked no problems, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, kmax86, 1/0 Still working since May 2012, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, MichaelM, 2/1 one had a whining fan and visibly damaged heatsink, Link
Club3D reference, Gripen90, 3/0 all three working 100%, Link
Asus Direct CU II, kefan77, 2/0 No problems whatsoever, Link
Asus Direct CU II 4GB, murah, 2/0 Both worked out the box, Link
EVGA FTW 2GB, HazardO, 2/0 Working flawlessly after a year, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, JeffyB, 2/0 No issues, Link
MSI Power Edition, scritchyrat, 1/0 Hasn't skipped a beat since installing, Link
Ref or Non Ref.
Number of Cards.
Worked or Sent Back.
GK110 Cards.
GTX 780
KFA2 reference, Rusty0611, 1/0 Worked and still working fine, Link
EVGA Classified, whyscotty, 2/0 All worked, Link
Gigabyte reference, OCPete, 1/0 Worked and still working fine, Link
MSI Gaming Edition, shatpank81, 1/0 Working, Had it for about 5 months, Link
Gainward reference, Fulax, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Inno3D iChill Herculez, Fulax, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA Classified, Nickolp1974, 2/0 both worked flawless, Link
Gainward Phantom GLH, Lex1970, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x "GHz Edition, peahead, 1/0 worked and is still working great, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x, setter, 1/0 Bought second hand on here, works fine, Link
Zotac Reference, KaRLiToS, 2/0 Worked flawlessly, Link
Gainward Phantom GLH, pgi947, 2/0 no problem with either, Link
MSI Gaming Edition OC, AWPC, 1/0 worked flawlessly from new via OCUK, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x, tonyli3, 1/0 owned around 4 months, great card, Link
ichill Hercules ultra, Ian Evey, 1/0 very impressed with it and runs cool and quiet, Link
Palit reference, Tonester0011, 1/0 Worked no problems, Link
MSI reference, Sgt_Pepper, 2/0 bought at the same time both work flawlessly, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x OC Rev2.0, mk17, 1/0 Worked first time, Link
MSI Lightning, Nickolp1974, 1/0 Worked great, Link
Gigabyte reference, LambChop, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA Classified, systemerror, 1/0 Flawless out the box, Link
MSI reference, Gripen90, 2/0 Both working 100%, Link
MSI TwinFrozr Gaming OC, Gripen90, 1/0 Working 100%, Link
Palit Super Jetstream, Gripen90, 1/0 Working 100%, Link
Asus Direct CU II OC, Gripen90, 1/0 Working 100% minor coil whine, Link
Inno3D IchiLL HerculeZ X3 Ultra DHS, Gripen90, 1/0 working 100% though a bit coilwhiney, Link
EVGA SuperClocked, Gripen90, 1/0 Working 100%, Link
EVGA SuperClocked, RetrogamerX, 1/0 3 months old. Working , no issues, Link
EVGA Classified, MrMoonX, 1/0 Worked fine straight out, Link
EVGA SuperClocked, PhysicsMan94, 3/1 My first EVGA SC had corruption issues, Link
Gigabyte reference, Krisali, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x OC, triss, 1/0 Worked great out of the Box, Link
Gigabyte reference, johny dolan, 1/0 Worked perfect from day 1, Link
EVGA reference, johny dolan, 1/0 Worked perfect from day 1, Link
Gainward reference, PCM2, 1/0 No issues at all with the card, Link
Asus reference, Nocky24, 1/0 Worked straight out of the box, Link
EVGA SC reference, Nocky24, 1/0 bought from Raven, Link
EVGA ACX FTW, pastymuncher, 1/0 No problems with card or drivers, Link
Gigabyte WindForce 3x OC, Vuvuzela, 1/1 Keeps crashing any game I play, Link
EVGA SC ACX, Aneskimo, 1/0 So far its a cracker!, Link
Gigabyte reference, llamadal, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA Classified, Geeman1979, 2/0 No problems, Link
Gigabyte WF3 OC Rev 2.0, Suarez7, 1/0 Bought on the MM, still works perfectly, Link
Gigabyte WF3 GHZ Edition, Rroff, 1/0 Worked, Link
PNY XLR8 OC, Panos, 1/0 Worked, Link
Gigabyte OC WF3 rev.1, Andi-C, 1/0 Fine since the day I bought it, Link
EVGA Classified, DCat, 1/1 Coil whine and rattling. Going to RMA, Link
MSI Gaming, smilertoo, 1/0 Worked fine 1st time, Link
GTX 780ti
EVGA Dual Classified ACX, Parabellum, 1/0 Worked Flawlessly, Link
EVGA SC Reference, MjFrosty, 3/0 all work fine, Link
EVGA Reference, thefogo, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Asus Direct CU II OC, thefogo, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Palit Jetstream, thefogo, 1/1 whining fan problem, Link
EVGA SC Reference, jh30UK, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Gigabyte Ghz edition, Scotty123, 1/0 Had some coil whine initially but it disappeared after a week or so, Link
MSI reference, AWPC, 1/0 worked flawlessly from new via OCUK, Link
EVGA Classified Nickolp1974, 1/0 Superb, Link
MSI reference, Sin_Chase, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA reference, Jobe, 1/0 Still working great, Link
Inno3D reference, Dicehunter, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA Classified, nicnik, 1/1 needed voltage boost for stock clocks to work, Link
EVGA SC reference, nick.lidgett, 2/0 Both worked out of the box, Link
Gigabyte reference, offmyed, 1/0 Worked perfectly, Link
Pailt Jetstream, vonex, 1/0 Works perfectly, Link
MSI reference, mmj_uk, 1/0 £500 well spent in my book, Link
Gainward reference, Rroff, 1/0 Worked, Link
EVGA kingpin, provost, 1/0 No issues, Link
EVGA SC reference, Mightyashy, 2/0 Worked from day 1, Link
Asus reference, Kaapstad, 4/0 All worked, Link
Asus reference, whyscotty, 3/1 one that died after about 5 weeks, Link
Gigabyte reference, whyscotty, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Asus reference, MjFrosty, 3/0 all work fine, Link
Asus reference, Gregster, 2/1 one failed, Link
EVGA reference, Gregster, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Asus reference, layte, 2/0 Bought on launch day, still going strong, Link
Gigabyte reference, andybird123, 3/0 all worked/working fine, Link
Gigabyte reference, Cosimo, 2/0 Worked perfectly from day one, Link
EVGA reference, provost, 6/3 changed three Titans due to performance, Link
Asus reference, provost, 1/0 No issues, Link
GK104 Cards.
GTX 770
MSI Gaming Edition, ndaar, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
Palit OC, teddy3578, 1/0 Working 100%, Link
MSI Lightning, Smok3alot, 2/0 No problems at all!, Link
MSI Gaming Edition, FuF, 1/0 No issues whatsoever, Link
Gigabyte 4GB, Geeman1979, 1/0 No problems, Link
EVGA Superclock 2GB edition, riskyfrisky, 1/0 Working as good as ever, Link
GTX 690
Asus reference, Stas823, 1/0 Worked first go, Link
Asus reference, Kaapstad, 2/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA reference, Kaapstad, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
MSI reference, Cosimo, 1/0 Worked perfectly from day one, Link
Asus reference, llamadal, 1/1 DOA, Link
Gainward reference, Geeman1979, 2/0 No problems, Link
EVGA reference, provost, 2/0 No issues, Link
GTX 680
Zotac Amp Edition, KaRLiToS, 2/0 Worked fine, Link
Asus reference, Jobe, 1/0 Worked till flogged on, Link
EVGA reference, Gregster, 1/0 Worked fine, Link
MSI Lightning, Gregster, 2/0 Worked fine, Link
EVGA 4GB FTW, jh30uk, 1/0 No issues, Link
Palit Jetstream, JeffyB, 1/0 No issues, Link
MSI Lightning, llamadal, 1/1 Artifacts after 8 months, Link
Gigabyte windforce x3, Fire_fly, 1/0 No known problems, Link
MSI reference, melmac, 3/2 Original card replaced twice, Link
EVGA reference, Nocky24, 1/0 Worked absolutely fine, Link
GTX 670
Asus Direct CU II 4GB, OLDPHART, 2/0 worked straight out the box, Link
KFA2 EX OC, Ian Evey, 1/0 worked for 18 months without a problem, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, pgi947, 1/0 No problems, Link
Asus Direct CU II, pgi947, 1/0 No problems, Link
Zotac Amp Edition, pgi947, 1/0 No problems, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, setter, 2/0 No issues on either card, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, Tonester0011, 1/0 Worked no problems, Link
Asus Direct CU II, Tonester0011, 2/0 Worked no problems, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, kmax86, 1/0 Still working since May 2012, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, MichaelM, 2/1 one had a whining fan and visibly damaged heatsink, Link
Club3D reference, Gripen90, 3/0 all three working 100%, Link
Asus Direct CU II, kefan77, 2/0 No problems whatsoever, Link
Asus Direct CU II 4GB, murah, 2/0 Both worked out the box, Link
EVGA FTW 2GB, HazardO, 2/0 Working flawlessly after a year, Link
Gigabyte Windforce, JeffyB, 2/0 No issues, Link
MSI Power Edition, scritchyrat, 1/0 Hasn't skipped a beat since installing, Link
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