Destiny Multiplayer Thread - it came from the moon...

Still no reviews out for this game on the major websites, plenty of corporate sponsored coverage though...
I'm level 12 (nearly 13) and on doing some PVE and PVP today till around 5:20ish if anyone is interested just add me and throw me an invite.

EDIT: On the PS4
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Does anyone fancy doing the weekly heroic mission at some point either today or tomorrow? I'm a lv23 sunsinger. I had a go at it yesterday at a lower level with ps3ud0 and someone else who I don't see on the list(Beenom) but we got owned. I've upgraded my equipment now so I should be in a better position to do it.
Does anyone fancy doing the weekly heroic mission at some point either today or tomorrow? I'm a lv23 sunsinger. I had a go at it yesterday at a lower level with ps3ud0 and someone else who I don't see on the list(Beenom) but we got owned. I've upgraded my equipment now so I should be in a better position to do it.
Ended up completing it today with Beenom - was so hard! Managed it somehow - just have arclight stuff equipped!

Really need to hit some PvE and PvP tomorrow tonfet the 100 cap for each - about 30 away for both - hoping bounties inspire me!

Will update thread nowish

ps3ud0 :cool:
XB1 - Dannyb01y - Dangerous mavu - Hunter - not yet (undecided!)

Im level 7. Will add the fellow xbone peeps on here and hopefully see one or two about for a game later on. The game does feel a bit lonely otherwise.
Missing Voice Chat ability
At me peeps. Need some ppl to play with

Ps4 titan lvl 8. Psn mesomis
See the first post - missing info
ps4 titan w5raf
See the first post - missing info
hey guys, I just added a post to the group forum for the clan, it contains some basic info on preparing for end game PvE for those who are interested in that, check it out and hopefully we can start planning a 6-man fireteam to start raiding asap!
Added to front page
I have not been added yet...:)

You have - updated class though :)

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Quick question guys - anything else to add in the first page? Was thinking it might be an idea to document a time/period when its convenient to do things like Raids and the special Strikes - things that will take time and need co-ordinating?

Perhaps something like a selection/combination


With the first raid coming up soon its probably best to organise that now so you have your 6 people coming on around the same time. One thing to consider is that Raids need coordination so perhaps get voice chat sorted if you havent already - doubt anyone wants to do that with people that cant voice chat...

EDIT: While Im getting buy-in from you guys what Im going to do is link your Raid/Special Strikes availability info to your name in the MP list on the front page - seems the best compromise between keeping granularity while still being useful until others start adding their info in

ps3ud0 :cool:
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add me please as i am slowly making progress. i'm now only slightly awful as opposed to awful


Hi can I be added to the clan, wanting to get things into place for doing raids. Ps4-Hixxy0-Hixx-yes-warlock-yes. Thanks.
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