Steam sale starts wed 26

Is there usually a Xmas sale too?
There's probably around 15 games i've wanted, so would it makes sense to wait for the xmas one to save a little more?

Or is it literally a few pence difference?
Only picked up some heavily discounted DLCs so far, had to actually search them out though, don't seem to be anywhere obvious screaming 'SALE!', so try searching specific games/DLC you might strike lucky.

I almost pulled the trigger on the EA Racing Pack, seems like a decent enough deal but then I'd just have another load of games in my Library I never play. :o

I'm happy I got the Humble Bundle SEGA pack the other day though, Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed actually gave me a highly unexpected overdose of nostalgia when I stumbled in to the Panzer Dragoon track of which I ended up watching the intro far too many times, those were the days.. *sigh* :D:cool:
Decided to buy Wolfenstein The New Order, hopefully it'll fulfil my gaming needs since finishing Alien.

More than likely though, I'll install it, have it sat there waiting to be played for a few days and then uninstall it, as I do with probably 90% of the Steam games I buy in theses sales :p
Bought the BioShock Triple Pack for 6.79 GBP, not a bad price. Never played the series but heard good things about it, and my ageing GPU should be able to handle it and keep the upgrade itch in check.
Continuing the theme...

Any of you had any experience with Endless Legends thats on the sale today? Looks like a fantasy version of Civ 5 but with some Homm-like combat?
Eeep, Batman: AO and The Banner Saga each up for £3.74

Spending too much money! Bought HTPC parts today (>£320) and three games (>£50). And I've not done any Christmas shopping yet!

Talk me out of it.

Batman: AO is too much like the previous games, only less polished and not worth playing even if you really liked AA and AC... right?
Origins was good. It lacks polish (like not being able to hook to things you should be able to) but the story is pretty good, actually better than City in places. It's definitely worth playing if you are a fan of the series.
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