Steam sale starts wed 26

Dungeons of the Endless is down to £5 from £10.
Not featured on the main page but has a further discount for 2 days.

Not bad, game is pretty new too
Was considering Arkham Origins, but I think I'll wait for the GOTY edition. Come to think of it, I haven't even installed City yet, or completed Asylum. :D

Same goes for State of Decay, too. I'll wait until it's all in one package. ;)
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oooh - give us a list then :)

Not an exhaustive list:

X-com series
Disciples II
Civilization III/IV
Rome Total War Alexander
Hearts of Iron II/III
Tropico 3/4
King Arthur
AI War: Fleet Command
Galactic Civilisations I/II
C&C 3/Red Alert 3
Europa Universalis Rome/III/IV
King's Bounty series
Expeditions Conquistador
Victoria II
Endless Space
I feel like i'm one of the lucky ones regarding the COD packages on Steam.

Bought mine years ago just as Modern Warfare 2 came out. Got all the COD games up to and including World at War for £9.99, bargain as i'd happily pay that just for COD 4.
Shame TS never seems to work for me properly - loads of rendering errors and what not :(

Is there one last set of deals today I assume? :)
Is there one last set of deals today I assume? :)

I think the deals coming up in an hour or so from this post will be the last of the daily deals because I've got my eye on The Escapists for £6.69 and it says the deal ends in 25 hours.

Train simulator 2015 is up for a fiver and includes all the DLC, normally over £30 so 85% off.

I couldn't resist :)

I haven't played it myself, but judging by nerdcubed's video the train simulator 2015 halloween DLC is really good.
Ended up getting:

The Banner Saga
Batman: Arkham Origins
South Park
Warlock 2

Which brings me to 56 games I own on Steam that I've not played, so they were clearly very well-advised purchases...

Pretty sure that will be it for me until I pick up a bundle of Lego games for the kids in the Christmas sale.
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