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Unigine Heaven 4 benchmark

Heaven 4.8 grass :o


Tell us more please.
EVGA 980Ti Hybrid @ 1460mhz core, 2000mhz memory.
Core i7 4930k @ 4.6ghz nvidea driver 353.06


Am I doing something wrong to get a lowest frame rate about 10fps lower than most other scores at 1080p?
EVGA 980Ti Hybrid @ 1460mhz core, 2000mhz memory.
Core i7 4930k @ 4.6ghz nvidea driver 353.06


Am I doing something wrong to get a lowest frame rate about 10fps lower than most other scores at 1080p?

Your score looks about par so nothing to worry about.:)

You can get very low minimums in this but fortunately it is not repeated when using the PC for gaming.

You could try turning H/T off and lowering you OC to about 4.4ghz but this won't make a huge difference.

If you want to get on the scoreboard don't forget the screenshot over the cobbles.:)
I managed to beat my previous score, sorry didn't know I had to get a screenshot on the cobbles. I actually beat this score but never got a screen shot. ps thanks for confirming I was not messing something up :)


EVGA 980Ti Hybrid 1490mhz core, 2032mhz memory
4930k @ 4.6
nvidea driver 353.06
Last edited:
MSI 980Ti Reference (1508/8010)
3770k @ 4.4GHz
Driver 353.06

2677 - walked off so I didn't get the SS over the cobbles =(

Any idea how to do it permanently? Windows keeps trying to install generic drivers for it every reboot even though it's set to PCI-E graphics in the BIOS.

I think I've been quite lucky with my card. It's even trying to boost to 1542 briefly, but it's being throttled by the power limit 0__0 With a custom BIOS it could be very good.

MSI 980Ti Reference (1518/8120)
3770k @ 4.4GHz
Driver 353.06

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