The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

benjo said:
More Pirates! This lot cracked me up - One of which being James Bond from these forums :p Click on them for full size

Hehe, Remember the French guy who said you were crap and when you joined the Reds, he said he lost his best crew member. :p
James Bond said:
Hehe, Remember the French guy who said you were crap and when you joined the Reds, he said he lost his best crew member. :p

Yep :p

I argued about his driving because all he wanted to do was colide.. but he wasn't even good at that :p
I'm now the Don, on the Godfather.. AKA finished lol.



68CF1E77F said:
Yes it is a mod... sort of. It's wake island 2007 with changes made to vehicle spawns, control points and player kits (just changing the config files). The planes are in BF2... but you can only normally use them if you have the Armored Fury or Euro Force expansion packs.

The models are in bf2 so you just set the existing vehicle spawns to spawn the aircraft/vehicles of your choice.

Do you have a link to a mod or script that does that or did you do it all manually?
The home team seconds before a thundering goal:

Sniffy missing the winner in the dying seconds:
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