5bjoshua said:Core2Duo has 2 cores while the Cell has 8, but only 6 i think that work in the ps3.
Psycho Sonny said:doesnt an xbox 360 use 3 MAC processors? basically sony decided they wanted to commit financial suicide so they plunged billions into making a chip that is useless, but it was a big leap in technology and now companies know how not to make a chip, basically a kentsfield chip running at 3ghz would kill the cell - no matter what you were using it for
Whappers said:Errr... it's a very powerful chip if used correctly!
barnettgs said:Duo Core 2 is probably the most powerful processor in the world and this got me thinking...why didn't Sony went with this one instead of IBM's 'Cell' processor? Also could it have been cheaper too?
Just curious to know.
Psycho Sonny said:doesnt an xbox 360 use 3 MAC processors? basically sony decided they wanted to commit financial suicide so they plunged billions into making a chip that is useless, but it was a big leap in technology and now companies know how not to make a chip, basically a kentsfield chip running at 3ghz would kill the cell - no matter what you were using it for
5bjoshua said:Core2Duo has 2 cores while the Cell has 8, but only 6 i think that work in the ps3.
andy said:the cell is far more powerful than a core 2 duo if you measure it in terms of giga flops
its new technology that can only keep improving
im sure they didnt develop it just for the ps3 either
andy said:never relised how small it is either
andy said:the cell is far more powerful than a core 2 duo if you measure it in terms of giga flops
its new technology that can only keep improving
im sure they didnt develop it just for the ps3 either
never relised how small it is either
Psycho Sonny said:i noticed when playing source my cpu usage on both cores when running the game was 55-60% but when i switches its affinity to 1 core it managed to use 100% and this is an e6600 running at 3.6ghz with 4 gbs of ram, but the other core was now at at 0-1% now this is a game that isnt multi threaded yet but if i had 7 cores theoretically my load would just be divided between the cores instead of them all doin completely seperate tasks they just do the same task but use 1/7th of the power, on a console its different the processor is used to do different tasks with different cores, im sure that if they used a core 2 duo instead it would have saved them billions and they would be in a position to re-take the gaming market, unfortunately i reckon they made a blunder, i dont care if its a new tech or what, its only good at doing 1 thing and people have slated it saying that console gaming will never use the cell properly because it is designed to do calculations which are purely maths based or the likes, so ig you were to compare a cell and a core 2 duo in a console gaming sense, im sure there would be only a very slight difference
titchard said:The Cell is a completely new age tech and will do leaps and bound as it continues to be worked on and improved.
mrk1@1 said:Tis the problem though, the console is here now and the technology is still being tapped into. In terms of the PS3 it doesn't matter how good the cell can be, but it's what it can do now or in the very near future. And from current titles, nothing different to the 360.
By the time the developers really get to grips with the cell, going off all that I have read on the wee thing, the GPU in the PS3 will be a huge limiting factor which is a real shame.
But then the Cell isn't a PS3 machine exclusive and so over the next few years I am sure its developments will be avidly followed in computing.