Strange looks in womens section

30 Dec 2007
went to department store today to get some tights so i can make filters for the front of my fans!!
funny looks and even stranger when u ask the assistant which work best as dust filters
i got some uv nail varnish once the assistant asked did i want some free lipstick with it. she looked at me a bit funny when i said i was using it inside my rig.
Luckily the gf was with me when I got mine. She knew the best ones to get too. Only ones they had were a horrible greeny colour so gonna have to venture in and try and pick up some decent orange ones.
Hmm that's an idea, the Antec 900 is crap for dust.

Though it also gives me another idea. I reckon bra's would give outstanding soundproofing, don't think the gf has any blue ones to match my LED's though, but can cut some up and use the foam inside.
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