ArcheAge Beta now taken Sign ups!

Sweet mother of God. Never thought I'd see this day! :D Will definitely be signing up for that when I get home, thanks for the link Nem.
Holy crapola, finally!

having fun playing rift at the moment though.

The day Rift goes free to play, they do beta signups for Archeage :)
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Thanks for posting this! Didn't realise RIFT was going free to play, so I'm downloading that atm :D

I "think" I've signed up for archeage, since I dont actually remember pressing any button, the page just says a thank you, and I've received no email confirmation.
Awesome, Can't wait to see how they implement so many features :D

Yup same here, seems to be a mmo with everything ever asked for ...and more :D

Some of us are also gonna try Rift again and see we on Bloodiron server if anyone wants to join, not many of us just a few.
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what is this game? I havent followed it im at work so my internet usage is limited

pretty much a sand box mmo with player owned boats , villages , houses , castles , open world pvp with siege gear etc.

I think the pvp is FFA/full loot drop
How will PvP work in the game? Is it an open system?

Jake Song:

The answer is half yes and half no. In ArheAge, players can attack another player if they wish and can steal crops that the other user raised. Such sandbox features can give fun, but it can create conflict and disputes between players, and might damage the game play. Especially free PvP is favored by some but hated by some others. So in ArcheAge there is the trial and jail system. Players who kill another player will be put under a trial by the other players and be judged whether the activity was reasonable or not.
god knows how that works maybe guilds/alliances claim areas and then the laws of that area are decided by them or something :S

it seems very complex game
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Well... if I can't grief and cause mass emo tears then I won't be playing, guess it depends on the punishment, that system sounds like it's exploitable.
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Ah balls. I'm already playing Tera Online and have just pre-ordered a PS4 which is bad enough and now this turns up!!

I think I'll just skip it and watch all your comments. Too much game overload!
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