**Burnout Paradise Showtime Challenge (ps3 and 360)**

11 Nov 2002

The road I have picked is Nakamura Avenue (I have picked this road randomly as it is near the main city and also has a cool Heroes related name!). This is the only road that will count, if you want another one, create your own thread :)

I can't check my score at the moment, but I am sure it is sub 1 million, so nothing fancy (I haven't picked a road I am ace at or anything). I would be disappointed if someone doesn;t already have a score well over 1 mill

I will check and verify the PS3 scores, and if someone with the 360 version could offer to do the 360 ones, that will be good. You just need the person on your friends list to check the score. For now I think we can just take each other's word for it, until the BIG scores start!

I will draw up a little table etc later, but if anyone is online now and wants to say their score, that will give other's something to aim for.

OcUK name	PSN/XBL		System		Score
rp2000		rp2000		ps3		$15,632,250
Davinnicus	Davinnicus	ps3		$8,040,900
RuMp3l4$k1n			360		$5,965,050
Brennan		bren		ps3		$3,843,200
Herminator			ps3		$4,612,300
McManicMan	McManicMan	ps3		$2,928,000

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I don't understand how showtime works at all. The manual is no help at either. Can someone explain to the thickie over here just how it works?
Well once your in showtime (lb+rb) the score starts counting from the road you were on when you activated it. Like crash mode in previous games cars= $$$$ but they also give you boost refills, pressing A causes you to hop so that you can build momentum and travel across the map wrecking everything in sight(Road signs included). Buses are give you x1 of you total score so are essential to a good run, they also provide a hefty boost refill.

Key to this whole thing seems to be not hammering the jump button all the time and instead knowing when to hop and when to pause for some traffic. Practice helps a lot.
Well once your in showtime (lb+rb) the score starts counting from the road you were on when you activated it. Like crash mode in previous games cars= $$$$ but they also give you boost refills, pressing A causes you to hop so that you can build momentum and travel across the map wrecking everything in sight(Road signs included). Buses are give you x1 of you total score so are essential to a good run, they also provide a hefty boost refill.

Key to this whole thing seems to be not hammering the jump button all the time and instead knowing when to hop and when to pause for some traffic. Practice helps a lot.

If you do hammer the jump button though, (x) on PS3, then you can gain some distance which also is added to your overall score at the end.
Well once your in showtime (lb+rb) the score starts counting from the road you were on when you activated it. Like crash mode in previous games cars= $$$$ but they also give you boost refills, pressing A causes you to hop so that you can build momentum and travel across the map wrecking everything in sight(Road signs included). Buses are give you x1 of you total score so are essential to a good run, they also provide a hefty boost refill.

Key to this whole thing seems to be not hammering the jump button all the time and instead knowing when to hop and when to pause for some traffic. Practice helps a lot.

Hitting signs and expensive cars, and chaining combos (like smashing a car into other cars will increase your score fast).

Anyway, enough faffing, posts some scores people.!!!


Slightly OT, but looky these new posters I just got rp :cool:
I like the Hiro one better than the Cheerleader one. I haven;t bough a poster since my Uni days tbh, but if I were to buy posters now they would be from Heroes (Or the most excellent Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, or Bionic Woman, or The Office USA, or Smallville).
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Created table in OP. I have a crap score :(

And McManicMan has added loads of high scores that mean I no longer "rule" paradise city :p

Anyway, I'll Be Back

p.s. Can anyone recommend a specific car that would help (I done most of my scores in the Grand Sicilian).

I used a random one I happened to be trying out, looks like a nascar. Normally I use the Burnout van and find it to be most helpful due to its size.

I don't have that one (I have only 31 out of 76 cars so far and am on A license). I am fairly sure though the one you refer to is one that you have to "takedown" to own (I have given chase a couple of times, but crashed and lost him!!!)

Is that the one you mean?

Heroes (Or the most excellent Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, or Bionic Woman, or The Office USA, or Smallville).

Fantastic taste in programmes btw, I love all of them. didnt think anyone else like smallville...

I will try a showtime run later, have been busy trying to get the times for each road rather than the money score
The car I set that record in:

And my preferred showtime weapon of choice :)
Might aswell add my score, $4,612,300
On PS3 with the Cadillac look a like

Updated OP. Only 4 of us in it at the moment (3 if you don't count McManicMan, just added him cos he was the only one ion my list to "do" that road). I plan to take the top spot tonight :)

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