pc cctv

18 Oct 2002
Last year someone tried to kick our door in - they made a bit of a mess of it but luckly out neighbour disturbed them and they done a runner (turns out it happened about 30mins before i got in from work but we didnt realise until the next morning when it was light that the door (double glazing) had foot prints and cracks in it.

There wasnt really anything the police could do as the neighbour who had seen them didnt get a good look at them as it was dark and they done a runner when she opened the door (shes quite old and we've told her next time just to phone the police incase they go for her - (she proberly smack them over the head with a hammer like)

Today 2 lads who matches the description of what tour neighbour saw (short shaven head one blonde one dark about 16-18) walked up our street looking a our house and next doors house - only saw them buy chance out the window as we were looking for the cat who had done a dissapering act (turned up safely in the end) - any hoo the blonde one i stood there thinking - ive seen you walk passed our house and everytime you do you look at our house and the neighbours house - when i went downstars my mam said exactly the same thing and that she has seen him do it a few times since the attempted break in.

That sent the "grab the little chav **** just for looking at the house and kick the poop out of him" crazy brain cells running.

Ive been tring to setup CCTV connected to the PC - and set it so when it detects motion it would upload the images to my website (that way if they did manage to get in and got the pc - id have their mugshots on photo uploaded to my website (simply give the police the url pass/user to the site they are uploaded to.

I used the PS2 Eye toy - which actually worked very well set up in my room - good pics you could see even detected the cats walking into my room.

But id rather have one where i can put in the corner of the winodow pointing down onto the yard (that way its inside and they cant tamper with it) but the ps2 cam didnt work well as the bis were blury (prob to far for it to focus) (we have a security light which comes on as soon as the gate opens the gate sone on a dark night that would help the cam see)

Anyone know of any good webcams or kits for this type of setup that will do what im looking for.
you can get a PCI card that accepts 4 BNC camera feeds and comes with the relevant software (for about £80 without cameras.)
Or for software only try motion hunter, actually i dont know if that will store the images off-site. WebCam Monitor can upload them to an FTP server though, so might be a better choice.
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Remember to look for a webcam that has an Iris that can react to the changes in light from the outside, otherwise you'll have a white blur mess.

malfunkshun said:
you can get a PCI card that accepts 4 BNC camera feeds and comes with the relevant software (for about £80 without cameras.)
Or for software only try motion hunter, actually i dont know if that will store the images off-site. WebCam Monitor can upload them to an FTP server though, so might be a better choice.

what type of cameras does it take, any types of card to look for
malfunkshun said:
you can get a PCI card that accepts 4 BNC camera feeds and comes with the relevant software (for about £80 without cameras.)

They are more like £18 if you look around the bay.

Get yourself a cheapo 30 quid external lowlight camera from the same place.You can connect any RCA/BNC plugged camera. The card software has motion detect which means you don't have to chew up loads of drivespace recording nothing happens. If you want a yap on MSN catch me tonight as i'm off back to a site in the morning.
Personally Id reccomend a digital camcorder and a tv card, then at least you dont have to use crap coaxial cable.
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Digital camcorder looks a bit out of place when you hang it off the wall though :p

Crap coax? You need to check where you buy your stuff m8 ;)
SB118 said:
Digital camcorder looks a bit out of place when you hang it off the wall though :p

Crap coax? You need to check where you buy your stuff m8 ;)

Coax is hardly the best cable is it? Actually I cant think of a worse connection for a video signal.
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I've fitted a few cameras, i've never had a problem with coax cable, i've had runs of over 80m and not suffered any picture degradation.

It's the best cable for the job, what else would you use?
SB118 said:
I've fitted a few cameras, i've never had a problem with coax cable, i've had runs of over 80m and not suffered any picture degradation.

It's the best cable for the job, what else would you use?

Composite, svideo, scart, component, vga, dvi, hdmi are all better. Theres a world of difference in quality.
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SB118 has it spot on, I can help/chat about it if hes not around. MSN in trust.
I setup a 4 camera system that is used heavily used in a commerical/charity building. Its been in use for about 3/4 years now.

Energize said:
Composite, svideo, scart, component, vga, dvi, hdmi are all better. Theres a world of difference in quality.

You ever fitted a CCTV system?
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SB118 said:
Not when you've only got a 420 line picture to play with there isn't ;)

The picture quality is still improved. Colours are much better looking and the picture is much sharper and objects are much more well defined. Besides you'd get a decent camera that does at least 576i otherwise you cant make people out very well.

Oblivious said:
You ever fitted a CCTV system?

You dont need to, just connect a vcr to a tv.

SB118 said:
And which of those will plug into a BNC/RCA plug on the back of a camera?

They wouldn't you would get a decent camera to start with. ;)
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No, it isn't. Trust me on this. A 420line picture run on good RG59 cable is still a 420line picture.
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