Must have mods for Fallout 3 ?

19 Feb 2007
Area 18, ArcCorp
A friend of mine just got me Fallout 3 on Steam and I was wondering if there are any must have mods for it ?

I'm not after changing it like Skyrim were you can make it look amazing just mods that are kind of needed i.e unofficial patches etc... :)

Any pointers are appreciated :)
I don't think so, just play it and enjoy it. It is a fantastic game. The best IMO. :D

Any good mods will be additional quests and campaigns, so you can just add those after you are finished.

The only other mods are pointless little quirks and tweaks (different house, people walking round in different clothes, you know the kind of thing) :)

I'm sure someone will come along shortly and tell you there have been some patches and mods out which I don't know about. :p

There are probably some graphics mods...

Also the DLC is great. Point Lookout and Broken Steel in particular! :)
Fellout - removes the horrible green that everything seems to be bathed in.
Fallout Wanderers Edition - more baddies, more encounters, more quests and locations to discover.
DC Interiors - as above, but specific to the DC area, lots more areas and buildings to explore.
Then there are a host of other visual improvement mods that are worth having - makes the game eye-poppingly beautiful (NMCs Texture Pack and EVE is a good bet).

Another favourite of mine is an Iron Sight mod (you can guess what that does), and GNR Enhanced (adds 100+ speakeasy jazz/swing tracks to the GNR Radio).
Fellout - removes the horrible green that everything seems to be bathed in.
Fallout Wanderers Edition - more baddies, more encounters, more quests and locations to discover.
DC Interiors - as above, but specific to the DC area, lots more areas and buildings to explore.
Then there are a host of other visual improvement mods that are worth having - makes the game eye-poppingly beautiful (NMCs Texture Pack and EVE is a good bet).

Another favourite of mine is an Iron Sight mod (you can guess what that does), and GNR Enhanced (adds 100+ speakeasy jazz/swing tracks to the GNR Radio).

Nice list, kinda makes me want to pick the back up again.
I'm currently playing through Fallout 3 again with the following mods (list taken from Nexus Mod Manager):

DarNified UI F3
Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2
Fallout Street Lights
Fellout - DLC Support
Fellout - 1_21R2
Fellout - 1_23
FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition
FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition 6.03 Hotfix
FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition - Part 2 Assets
Games for Windows LIVE Disabler
Mothership Zeta Crew
UHQ Terrain Overhaul

Also have the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch installed - this is a must. I think this is the link for it:
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Just thought I would tag on here...

I own the original boxed Fallout 3 + the 2 x mission sets on disc, but Mothership Zeta was purchased from GFWL. Unfortunately from what I read GFWL has pretty much been discontinued (hence why it won't log on) so have I lost MZ unless I re-purchase the whole bundle on Steam? (Not that MZ was that good, unless they fixed the bugs).
love these types of games and can easily spends 100+hours on them, and am really interested in the modding scene and see what can be done to it, but my problem is nowdays my gaming time is limited and i end up spending more time modding the game then i do actually playing it...
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