Must have mods for Fallout 3 ?

I recommend watching some of Gopher's videos. I've just started modding it for the first time, and so far have around a dozen activated mods. The difference made with just a few mods thrown in to the mix is surprising. :)

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It depends on whether you experience any freezing or glitches, on my old E8400 system I could play FO3 perfectly fine, when I upgraded to my FX6350 though I started getting random freezing and other bugs. There's an unofficial patch on the Nexus which I'd recommend and also the 4GB enabler can be helpful as well.

Large Address Aware Enabler:

Unofficial Patch:

Other than that I'd say nothing is necessary but I'd definitely recommend the NMC texture packs and if you like tinkering then getting into ENB shaders is a good idea too, it's how you get the game looking gorgeous like in some of the screenshots floating around in the high res screenshot thread. I'm personally not into stuff which totally changes the way the game plays like the FWE mod, but there's something for everyone on the FO Nexus.
I tried the project reality mod earlier, though I'm still undecided whether I'll go for that over fellout / enhanced weather ones.

+1 for the NMCs texture pack.
Decided to mess with this a bit today. NMC large texture pack as well.






Trouble is I can't remember what the original looked like to tell if the difference is actually worth it, although it is looking good to me so far.
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