Your all time top trance tunes?

9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
Trance was, is, and forever will be my true love.

With such class examples (my top 5):

1. Rodd-Y-Ler - Lifesigns [1997]

So damn ahead of it's time in terms of epic trance it's silly, brilliant track!

2. Binary Finary - 1998 (PvD) [1998]

The track that single-handedly got me into trance. My brother made me listen to it on Winamp version 1, and I got shivers up my spine (had not touched any thing naughty at that point)

3. Westbam vs Red Jerry - Wizards of the Sonic (Matt Darey) [1998]

Such a crisp productions, with variations throughout the entire track. Stands tall against the newest of productions.

4. Ralphie B - Massive [2001]

Just a beautiful piece of music, simple, uncomplicated and plain excellent!

5. Adam Sheridan - Lektrik [2003]

Best trance track of recent years for me, bundles of energy and euphoria, I go mental on the dancefloor when this gets played.

What are yours? :D
krooton said:
2. Binary Finary - 1998 (PvD) [1998]

The track that single-handedly got me into trance. My brother made me listen to it on Winamp version 1, and I got shivers up my spine (had not touched any thing naughty at that point)

What are yours? :D

Thats one of mine too, an absolute classic!

Trance from then still gets me going 98,99,00.

Will try and list some of my otehr favs later.

my favorite has to be:

airwave- above the sky from 1999/2000 brings back memorys of golden at the void in hanley

rank 1 -airwave also a favorite. i remember hearing john kelly drop it at passion when it was just started doin the rounds and there was lots of hugging and smiling goin on ;)

iguana sampler- mario piccoto quite hard with a great uplifting breakdown

lizard as well by MP, there were so many good trance tunes on green nucleus in 99/00

My favourite trance tune of all time is probably Resistance D - Skyline - Eternal Basement Mix (Harthouse/EyeQ) 1994 ish. SAMPLE

There are many other classics from that time on Harthouse/EyeQ (same lable Energy 52 released Cafe del Mar on) that are worth checking out:-

Eternal Basement - Taking place in you. A nice bit of darker trance. SAMPLE

Cygnus X - The Orange Theme. SAMPLE

Brainchild - Symmetry (c-mix). SAMPLE

to name a few.
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krooton said:
Trance was, is, and forever will be my true love.

With such class examples (my top 5):

What are yours? :D

1. Wow, not heard this one before but i have to say it sounds fantastic. I might try and hunt down a full edit of this.

2. I've always preferred the original mix, great track none the less

3. Can't say this does much for me

4. Yep this is definitely a good'un. Will Holland played this as the last track at One of the Crasher nights over the summer and the place went nuts. Many brain cells were killed that night, good times!

5. Heard this a few times before but not known it's name till now. Good track

As for my top5, i'm still only really a trance rookie and my tastes seem to change weekly so really don't think i could put one together, i shall have a think though
Brainbug - Nightmare
Immense tune can't hear it too much!

Art of Trance - Madagascar
enough said.

Underworld - Born Slippy

Darude - Sandstorm
Not my favourite, but pretty good anyway.

not sure wether it strictly counts as trance but:
Yomanda - Synth and Strings
One of my favourite tunes

All commercial, but thats because theyre so good.
sandstorm has no place in a thread like this ;) its commercial because it appeals to the masses with its catchy melody and simplicity, and it was played contantly on commercial radio ;)

for me its this track:

Kamaya Painters - Endless Wave, first heard this tune in some old dance set i downloaded about a year ago and wondered what sort of music it was, it was so different than anything else i'd ever heard and i loved it


all the remixes are fantastic too :)

probably a few more i can add at some point, the original mix of gouryella was another track that made me want to get hold of more tunes like it so i suppose you could include that :)

krooton - i have to get hold of 1 and 3 from your list, they're fantastic :D
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Wizards of the Sonic is one song that I really don't like, haven't liked it since I first heard it. Haven't heard the first one before but it sounds good and the other 3 are all really good. I haven't really got a top 5 but a few that I still enjoy are:
Vercocha - Carte Blanche
Freefall - Skydive
PvD - For an Angel
Three Drives - Greece 2000
Chicane - Saltwater
Solid Sessions - Janeiro
Solarstone -Solarcoaster

EDIT: oh yeah and how could I forget Blank and Jones - Cream
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No Silence? Shocking.

Delerium - Silence
Veracocha - Carte Blanche
Motorcycle - As the rush comes
PvD - For an angel
Binary Finary - 1998
Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia
Energy 52 - Cafe del mar
BT - Flaming june
Orbit - Adagio for strings
Rank 1 - Airwave
System F - Out of the blue
Ferry Corsten- Electra is probably one of my favs along with a few more that have already been mentioned.

Balls to looking your beautiful new wife in the eyes, balls to holding your new-born child, balls to looking over the ocean to a tropical sunset.

Coming up with your hands in the air is THE BEST YOU WILL EVER FEEL IN YOUR LIFE. FACT.
Gilly said:
No Silence? Shocking.

Delerium - Silence
Motorcycle - As the rush comes
Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia
BT - Flaming june
Rank 1 - Airwave
System F - Out of the blue
How could I forget those! There's gonna be loads more aswell...
FC1983 said:
How could I forget those!
Dunno, everyone else did too :p

There are others (meet her at the love parade, ayla, xpander, bellissima, resurrection, time to burn, etc) but the first lot are absolute classics IMO :)
darko said:
Ferry Corsten- Electra is probably one of my favs along with a few more that have already been mentioned.

Balls to looking your beautiful new wife in the eyes, balls to holding your new-born child, balls to looking over the ocean to a tropical sunset.

Coming up with your hands in the air is THE BEST YOU WILL EVER FEEL IN YOUR LIFE. FACT.

Can't say i've heard Ferry Corsten - Electra, have you got a sample? Or did you mean The Digital Blonde - Electra (which is a truely awesome tune)?

As for your second comment, erm yeah i think you're probably right :p
lost witness - happiness

Im more into my harder stuff now but armin van buuren is a good softer trance dj and eddie halliwell plays great anything :)
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I've edited my previous post to contain samples of some of those classic Harthouse/EyeQ tunes. They might be a bit too old skool for you guys tastes but give them a listen.

Oh the memories.......Orbit @ the After Dark club in Morley...... Unforgettable! :D
this tread has got me reminicing, just looking through my records found some minters:

paganini trax-zoe timo mass mix

cequenza-cequenza (spot on)

fiji ( spot on)

sundance-wont let this feeling go (comie remix)

bug- so what(comie remix)

agnelli&nelson-hudson st (dark now mix)

Gilly said:
no good (start the dance)

Rave? :p

Evoke - Arms of Loren \o/ (I say this everytime we have a thread like this lol)

Gouryella - Gouryella

Angel - Ralph Fridge

Motorcycle - As the rush comes - grrr...

BB x
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a couple more ive found:

mozaic-moving up moving on


dutch force- deadline

moonman- galaxia

stinka ;)
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