If your kid was being bullied at school

5 Oct 2008
I don't have kids btw, hypothetical, so if your kid was being bullied , what would you do. Hope it stops, see the school, or otherwise ?
I would do what my sister and brother-in-law did, let the school deal with it and if that fails go and deal with the parents directly!
Go to the school first. If nothing is done then the School Governors, followed by the LEA and Parents. If it continues then threaten Legal action.
Depends on the severity. Part of me would like to think that I'd be able to tell my child to stand up for himself but I'd probably complain to the school, the bully's parents and mollycoddle the child.
Ask for a copy of the schools bullying policy.

Probably the last thing your kid wants is to have you start kicking off about it. Speaking to the right staff at the school will solve it much quicker than a lot of noise.
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