can your mouse do this

Pointing sticks on laptops have a habit of developing a mind of their own. Not the touchpad type, but the one in the middle of the keyboard (if your laptop has one).

Usually it'll just go in one direction, but I suspect something could be 'rigged'. :)
Pics of older setup

Old ported box tuned to 33hz for ultimate wibble wobble


Refur'b old box, down firing front ported tuned to 33hz powerd by a JBL 75.2 car amp


Wharedale Laser Range 30's currently off Aiwa amp shown in above pic, soon to be given some real power


New Amp (AV Receiver) powering Wharfedales ~80wrms a side @ 8ohm

Of the 3 optical mice I've had, all of them have on accasion decided to move the cursor to the left. Still, they've not danced to the Prodigy.

Maybe because they have known I'd kill them for such an offence. Mind, if they'd get their groove on to some drum ' bass, I'd consider taking them for a night out.
RandomTom said:
Isn't 33hz the 'ladies frequency'? ;)

Oh and nice video, wish I had a set up that could produce a sound as nice and powerful as that.

yup, around 33hz is the ladies freq.

there are some tracks that actually make me feel that i need to go to the loo when played at high volumes... the vibes from the sub goes right through ya
Sounds and looks smart from the video. Nice choice of amp too. I'm still using my 7 year old Yamaha DSP-AX620, what model reciever do you have?

Good idea using a car sub in the house. How are you supplying power to the amp? I think I might have to build myself a custom subwoofer setup for this room. These B&W's are great, but I need more bass :(


My car install
I've connected my hifi up to my computer so if i turn the bass on the computer + the hifi all my posters fall off the wall :P + other stuff also jumps off the desk all fun tbh
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