Mozart TX by Thermaltake!

Wasn't sure if you wanted this deleted or not, so I put the title back. RTM this post if you still want it to go.

Mind you, with a website like that, it deserves to be (to borrow some horrible clichés from GD) nuked with fire from orbit.
Damn that site is a horror.

The case looks odd, too many holes and nothing Mozart about it.

TT just pulled another case out of their 12 year old art Gallery.
JimmyEatWorms said:
Whoever designed that site should be shot. And the case isn't much better.

eXSBass said:
Exactly. Who ever designed that website should be shot. Who ever designed that case should be shot repeatidly.

Too right, what are Thermaltake thinking, why have they choesn the name Mozart TX, you carnt exactly play games on Mozart, or even party, yes if u hav havnt watched all of that first page presentation it does say party, also i dont think that you could stick a web cam into his head and wave manically at it, when you only have 1 eye.

Accoreding to Thermaltake it can cool your beer for you, find porn, it can tap dance, dont really want to list any more because they are all hurendous.

Serioulsy the people that came up with the idea and that name must be shot serveral times, and the person in charge of the development of that website should be shot several thousand times.

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This is either a typing error or Thermaltake have been quite cunning if you look at the 7 things..... it says 7 things MORZAT TX can do not Mozart TX can do. I think it is a typing error because i dont think that the poeple at Thermaltake would be clever enough to fool everyone like that.
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Incase you do not know, this case is about 2x the size of the stacker.

It is HUGE.

I will try and hunt down the pictures once I have caught up with the happenings of case central.




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Berserker said:
Holiday didn't last long then, did it? :D

I got work that I was expecting to take 4 days done in 1.5.

Its sad how much time I must waste on here. :(

-On a side note, F@H is being a donkey to me and not wanting to play muffin with chocolate chips. Just is messing me around.

Await the thread! :p
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