Thermaltake's R&D team are clearly on crack. OK, the Soprano is acceptable, kind of looks like a mutilated WaveMaster, but I'll let it pass. The Tsunami... well, I guess it's ok if cases named after natural disasters is your thing.
What's with the Amour though? It doesn't have a door covering the drive bays, but they're not completely exposed either. It has these completely pointless aluminium "flaps" which serve no practical purpose, but have to be moved out of the way to get to the drive bays and power switch.
Aguila, Shark, Eclipse... all just plain damn ugly. So was the Xaser but they stopped making that.
And the Kandalf? Who thought up that name? It's like Gandalf, with a K. It doesn't say "case" to me, it says "stupid". And it looks more like a subwoofer than a case, somebody was probably tripping when they designed that weird cylindrical tunnel going into the front of it. Perhaps there's a light at the end of it...
And finally, the Mozart. I could understand that choice of name if it were a small, quiet HTPC case. But for an enormous, ugly monstrosity that holds 2 motherboards and 10 fans? I just don't understand.
I suppose Thermaltake at least deserve some credit for successfully tapping into the market of people with lots of money and absolutely no taste.