Paint a film scene 3!

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26 Dec 2005
The Original Thread

Okay, so I was bored and I decided it would be fun to try the film scene thing again. This time we can have TV scenes aswell. It would make sense to define if it was a film or TV though.

Rules are the same as before. Images no larger than 250x250 :)

The first one (TV):


[Edit] Took Memphis's advice.
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this would be paint a film scene 3 ;)
Sorry, but I'm in a fussy mood. No idea with the one above - esp. as youve said its not from a film :confused:
damn - I nearly said that too as pheebs is currently reading the book so the cover is on display. Honest.. I was about to say it... really! ;)
I'm a BoB fiend :) I could tell you pretty much anything you want to know about it ;)
I've read the book and watched the DVD about 4 times. I just love it. The author of the book (Stephen Ambrose) died a few months ago too :(

Saying that though, I've been told I know too much about that period of time heh.
Why not make this the all new "Paint a Film or TV scene" thread?
So long as the poster states either TV or film, it could work.
woodsy2k said:
You can never know too much mate, Knowledge is power remember :D

I to Love Ban of Brothers, but i wont challenge hehe

Knowledge is the best path to enlightenment. Well anyway, i'm a curious soul and i'd rather know things then not. My flatmates think I watch too many documentaries hehe.
woodsy2k said:
Documentories.......or....Hmm now lets see......

Big Brother???

Nuff said

For your information, I cannot stand Big Brother and I think the exercise in human incompetance should be abolished from our screens. Don't ever insult me with that again.
Dude, read the tence of the post again. cant you see im slating BB? Cant you tell by my previous posts......Infact, no i CBA to rise to that. Im ill and need to do work. Lighten up dude
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