person of interest - coming soon to C5

I've been meaning to watch the first episode for months now and it wasn't until I seen an advert on Channel 5 earlier also that reminded me of it. It's been picked up for a second season in the US so I suppose that's good :)
Yes. You should watch this, but commit yourself to atleast the first 3 episodes.

It's not that the early episodes are bad in any way, but they do churn out some extra story and pacing quibbles which drag them down a little.

But soon enough the show hits the sweet spot and some of the episodes are just brilliant.

Bonus points, all episodes are linked by one story arc but it won't hurt too much if you just dip in and out. Although I think you should watch the entire thing because it's certainly one of the more under-rated shows out there (despite the fantastic viewing figures it got on US networks).

As already mentioned, this show matures rapidly. It starts off great, and just keeps on improving.

Cast are amazing with some great guest appearances, you may be forced to suspend your belief here and there but it's no worse than any other TV drama.

Do watch, certainly has more quality than a lot of the rabble I see on British TV. The lead and supporting-lead are an unlikely but fantastic duo.

Edit: I forgot to mention, dialogue is smart and to the point, lot's of action sequences (guns, fighting, explosions, covert ops style stuff), very entertaining!
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Great show, well worth it when the story gets going. Initially felt nothing for the characters but by the end I came to love them :)
It's not bad, but I agree with Rich L in that the dialogue and acting lets it down. They also don't give you nearly enough back-story on the characters, I'm on episode 19 and I can probably count on one hand the number of episodes that have actually given you any real details of the characters' pasts.
It's okay, it's daft but the lead is good, too often the dialogue is stupid and they too often do ultra stupid things just to generate a story(being stuck in a building no one in their right mind would have gone into, general other stupid things). ben from Lost, I think he could be better cast, and the lead cop is awful, just an awful actress, awful in everything she's in, the other cop isn't much better.

It's one of the better and at least trying to be more original cop/detective shows in the states which is a good thing, not as good as it should be. Watchable.
It's absolutely brilliant, especially the last 5 or 6 episodes in the season. Towards the middle of the season it got a little repetitive for me as the main story line for the season doesn't really emerge fully until the last 6 or so episodes. It's definitely definitely worth sticking with though. Granted the character development isn't all that, but every episode is action packed and keeps you well entertained. Can't wait for S2.
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i enjoyed it too. a bit cheesey in parts with the main character being able to get himself out of seemingly impossible situations (the gun's deal, the flash bang in the car etc) but yeh, enjoyable stuff. the room full of camera drives was mighty freaky at the end.
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