Need some advice please...

11 May 2007
Ok, this sort of carries on from a previous thread:

About a housemate that hid a bill and took the cash.

Fast forward to now, me and 2 other housemates have paid three quarters of each bill we had.

We had a freeze on all accounts up until the 30th of July, and told the housemate who hadn't paid - he had until then.

Today I received a letter threatening county court judgement or a debt collector visit.

I've phoned the letting agency who gave me his house number, I rang that and got 'Sorry, this number does not accept incoming calls'. I then rang back and got his address so I can possibly forward on the bill.

I'm starting to wonder if he'll pay in time - I dont want a bad credit history, or a trip to court... I've been told I could take him to a small claims court, but I don't really know enough about this yet.

Any advice from people who have been in this situation or possibly someone who works within this field?


Kris / mp3kla
Pay the bill and put it down to experience. Sucks but that's people for ya.

No chance.

We've already paid an extra £40 he stole from us.

No chance the three of us are gnna pick up £150 of his bills.

So would we have to pay the whole sum and then take him to a small claims court? I can't be doing with this, he's turned out to be a complete and utter ****-(adoodledo..) - he's just cut contact with us.
So would we have to pay the whole sum and then take him to a small claims court? I can't be doing with this, he's turned out to be a complete and utter ****-(adoodledo..) - he's just cut contact with us.

If the bill is in your name then yes. You have to pay. There's no way out of it. All you'll end up doing is paying it + costs and have a bad credit history.

You'll have to pay everything, then take him to court. Unless the bill is only in his name, then you can just forget about it.
That;s why it's best to not have bills in your name and if you do get amount paid upfront.
The water bill is in my name and his name, of which £120 of the £160 has been paid from my debit card...

Gas bill is in all of our names - 3/4s has been paid from my debit card...

Sewerage bill is in all of our names, 3/4s has been paid from my debit card...
The water bill is in my name and his name, of which £120 of the £160 has been paid from my debit card...

Gas bill is in all of our names - 3/4s has been paid from my debit card...

Sewerage bill is in all of our names, 3/4s has been paid from my debit card...

Pretty sure that you will have to pay it. as your name is on the bill. I think it's like house contracts. They don't care who pays it. It has to be paid and you have to sort out who owes what.
No chance.

We've already paid an extra £40 he stole from us.

No chance the three of us are gnna pick up £150 of his bills.

Then he's going to screw you over even more. In this day and age you really don't want a CCJ against you.

As has been said you can pursue him in the small claims court, however I don't expect that you'll be successful.
Well hopefully it doesn't get that far.

I've just left a message on his facebook - which I know he uses - because he wont answer his mobile or house phone. I'm going to phone the bill companies and ask them to forward all bills to his address too.

Hopefully this message might scare him a little?

Hi, could ya phone me asap? Just received a letter warning of a county court judgement with our names on it. Will forward it on to you @ Monson Way?

He's going to wonder how the hell I know where he lives.
Hmm I just remembered something.

I'm the main tenant for dealing with the deposit protection and how it should be divided at the end of our tenancy.

I wonder if I'd be within my rights to withhold £150 of his remaining deposit to reimburse myself and the other two tenants for having to pay his bills?
Hmm I just remembered something.

I'm the main tenant for dealing with the deposit protection and how it should be divided at the end of our tenancy.

I wonder if I'd be within my rights to withhold £150 of his remaining deposit to reimburse myself and the other two tenants for having to pay his bills?

There's your answer. :)
That's what I'd do.

Just pay the rest of this existing bill and leave him out of it.

Take his deposit money and split it between you for what he owes. Should he then decide to turn nasty, there's not a leg he can stand on should he threaten Small Claims.
Have you tried speaking to his parents? Some people can act like complete tools, but their parents don't always agree with their actions and will harass them until they sort themselves out.
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