Overclocked bundle issue...

20 Aug 2009
So I got my bundle back that didn't boot the first time.
This time I managed to boot but it reset bios to default as it had some compatability issue with the settings. I also its not picking up my hard drive. I used the same cables from before as I presume all data cables would detect it so how come its not picking it up. do I have to use the data cables that came with the board because my dvd drive is picked up fine.
I managed to fix that. I turned out a cable was slightly out. The I have an issue installing Windows now.

It says windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk has an mbr partition table. on efi systems windows can only be installed to gpt disks.
have seen a lot of people having this problem and the fix is really easy. Just change your dvd drive that you are installing windows with from uefi to sata. You can do this in the bios or with by hitting f11 or whatever your motherboard uses to choose the boot option.

You can force the Z to boot the Windows 7 setup disc in BIOS mode, versus EFI mode. Just hit ESC when booting up to take you into the EFI boot manager and select the DVD-DRIVE, versus the ACPI(....) string.
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Yeah that worked brilliantly. Installing now. What should I do about the over clock that iv lost since it reset bios to default. should I just contact oc for that.
I just looked at that for my gigabyte mb. It says f12 is to load profiles but it says f12 is just print screen when I look.
you might need the support link then i gave u a few posts up, good luck

if that didn't work.

1. Restart/power on your computer. When you see the BIOS image, press DEL to enter the BIOS and F12 to enter the load profile screen

2. A blue box will show up asking you what to do. Select and press enter on 'ocuk'. The screen will flash briefly. Press 'esc' to get back into the main menu

3. Press F10 and a red box will appear asking to confirm that you want to save and exit. Press enter and the computer will restart with the overclock enabled.
I finally found it. I just had to move across to the last icon then you can see load profiles.

Are the temps normal for that overclock. its 33 degrees in bios on default settings and with the 4.4ghz overclock the temps are 45 degrees in bios. Is that okay?

its the Intel Core i5 3570K 3.40GHz @ 4.40GHz DDR3 Ivybridge Overclocked Bundle.
i have the same cpu cooler as you. Do you have the fan at the back of the case behind the heatsink sucking air out of the case or blowing air into the MB/cpu.
sucking out, as if it blew in the cpu fan would work over time, also make sure when you fit the fan into the beast of the heatsink it goes the right way, hand over it when on and you can tell which way it blows.

have you used the default fan? or the golf ball ones that OC gave you free with your bundle? as i used the default ones but might change it as it's noisy so as the golf balls ones are the same size i might change it tomorrow.

have posted a question to support but they are all asleep now so will wait as apart from that all works well and golf ball fan not used either, already have enough case coolers
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yeah mines set to the same as you and i have the case off the side also. I presume the temps are safe with the overclock enabled.
yes, very safe, in fact lower than a standard chip i bet, but thats thanks to the coolers.

and case airflow works better with side on, well mine does
Here is a picture of my case. How does this look for airflow?

There is a large fan right at the top one at the back, the cpu fan and another smaller fat at the front of the case. Do the cables look in okay places?

airflow looks good, tidy case, just keep it clean and will last, mines a full tower so vga is well off bottom of case so airflow maybe a bit better, even though most goes out the back now days anyways, plus for me i'd move down the sata drive to get cooling off that bottom fan or get a drive cooler fitted, drive in the middle of it will still keep flow ok and also keep the drive cool
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