You can use Copy+ to transfer content from your existing drive to the new one.
thanks a lot.
but will this actually let me view the backs on my pc?
anyone know if there is anyone to view the files on a pc so that they can be put on dvd?
No, there isn't. The Sky+ harddisk contains the raw satellite stream so you wouldn't be able to decode it without your Sky card etc.
There is, I've done it. Plugged the sky HDD into my pc, I used +Extract (google it) to rip them, then managed to grab a converter program (SUPER) to convert them to AVI. I'm sure you could then burn that to a DVD.
Now that is a pain
i have so many films that i want to keep
Now that is a pain
i have so many films that i want to keep
Now that is a pain
i have so many films that i want to keep
Only if you have the older version of the sky HD box
Why not just keep them on an external hard drive and watch them back through your Sky box?
i want them on DVDs without all the damn adverts!Just copy them to your new hard disk then!
Now that is a pain
i have so many films that i want to keep