moving stuff from Sky+HD HDD to PC, possible?

2 Jan 2009
As above really.
I ordered a 500GB replacement HDD today but there is a lot of stuff on the original i want to somehow keep, is it possible to somehow connect it to my pc and just copy the stuff off it onto the pc?


thanks a lot.
but will this actually let me view the backs on my pc?

You can use copy+ to create a backup of your content onto a PC so that you can transfer onto a new disk or restore onto an existing disk at a later date but it will not let you play the content back on the PC.
No, there isn't. The Sky+ harddisk contains the raw satellite stream so you wouldn't be able to decode it without your Sky card etc.

There is, I've done it. Plugged the sky HDD into my pc, I used +Extract (google it) to rip them, then managed to grab a converter program (SUPER) to convert them to AVI. I'm sure you could then burn that to a DVD.
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There is, I've done it. Plugged the sky HDD into my pc, I used +Extract (google it) to rip them, then managed to grab a converter program (SUPER) to convert them to AVI. I'm sure you could then burn that to a DVD.

That +Extract only does free to air stuff according to the website, which of course is not encrypted. So he'll be able to move any stuff recorded from terrestrial channels I guess, not too bad.
The Sky viewing card is the vital bit in decrypting all the recorded channels which you pay for (and maybe the FTV stuff too?) All recordings are paired to a particular viewing card which is a bit of a pain.

I think the only way to record would be in realtime to a DVD recorder using one of the RF outputs from the box, nothing HD though.
As has been said:

Copy+ will copy everything from your existing harddrive and place it on your new harddrive. So when you put it back in your new box all your old recordings will be there, with plenty of free space.

+Extract can copy recordings from free channels (BBC etc) but anything else is a lot trickier and I have never bothered to try and do it.

Only if you have the older version of the sky HD box

ooo! thats the skybox i have ( well looks wise), my skybox is a few years old so it might work.

Why not just keep them on an external hard drive and watch them back through your Sky box?

I might give this a go seen as i have a external hard drive.

Just copy them to your new hard disk then!
i want them on DVDs without all the damn adverts!
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