Tassimo or Nestle Dolce Gusto?

31 Oct 2002
Newcastle upon Tyne
I'm a reasonably new convert to coffee (well, latte if I'm honest) but it's costing me a fortune in Starbucks/Costa so I thought I'd invest in a coffee machine.

I got myself a Krups FNB4 coffee machine recently however I can't get the damn thing to work properly, you need a degree in coffee making to use it so I'm looking for something a bit easier and quicker to use.

Does anyone know anything about the following? Or can you recommend anything which will make me a quick, good latte?

Tassimo about £120


Dolce Gusto about £100

My mum has the old tassimo system (not the Bosch one), she loves it! My granny has the dolce gusto one too but personally i think the coffee is nicer from the tassimo. Havent tried any of their lattes though, notmy sort of thing. Some shops will let you demo them before you buy, i know Hanna and Browne do, do you have that chain over there?

Oh and in before the hand ground fresh bean espresso squad.
Are these proper espresso makers or just basic drip feeders with a cute exterior? Bear in mind that you need hand ground fresh bean coffee for a half decent espresso.
Are these proper espresso makers or just basic drip feeders with a cute exterior? Bear in mind that you need hand ground fresh bean coffee for a half decent espresso.

They are high pressure system similar to an espresso machine, except with discs of ground coffee or whatever instead of "proper" coffee. Pop it in hit on and wait for you chosen beverage to appear.
I have the Tassimo picture.. love it to bits. Got a massive loads of different discs for it. The Caffe Cream one is the best so far, with the latte close second.

Edit: If you get one, don't get the disc out until about 1 minute after the machine has stop putting water through. Because of the pressure build up, if you undo the 'lid' the tassimo disc will explode (I've been there) and it's a PITA to clean up (Ground Coffee through the machines and down the sides).
I have a Dolce gusto but got it in a sale for around £60 last year so £100 seems steep. I love it though as does my mum, chocachino and lattes are what we make. Lovely and quick and simple. Auntie has a tassimo I find it a bit more awkward to work but just as nice.
They are high pressure system similar to an espresso machine, except with discs of ground coffee or whatever instead of "proper" coffee. Pop it in hit on and wait for you chosen beverage to appear.

Ah, I know the type. Not for me. I'd sooner buy an old fashioned percolator.
Bought a Gusto before Christmas for £65 and that was a common price at the obvious places (possibly because the new model was coming out). Amazed how they've increased again.

I bought one because its very quick and makes anything better than any instant cappuccino sachets and stuff you can buy. I don't have the time or patience for anything more time intensive.
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if you want a pod system then nespresso is miles ahead of the rest, the only down side is you can only order the pods from nespresso direct and you have to buy 100 at a time, but its much better than tassimo
Vote here for the Tassimo. The gf got us one just before christmas and now im hooked on hazelnut cappuccino and milka hot chocolate.

Tassimo offers some advantages but the most important is the variety of products ( espresso, tea, chocolate ) to suit every taste, while Dolce Gusto offers only coffee and chocolate.

There is an interesting site about Coffee Pod Machines
Erm, wouldn't it make more sense to learn how to use the Krups machine, rather than going for a pod system which costs more, is more expensive to run, and won't produce decent coffee...

Or get something simpler like a Gaggia Classic.
Does anybody even bother to check the post dates before replying the threads these days? I'm sure that would have been helpful 3 years ago...

- GP
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