What are YOU currently playing?

22 Sep 2008
Kent, England
Thought I'd try and get a thread going for people to update often with what they are playing or what they have just completed and plan to do next!

Just finished Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, but planning another play through on Challenge mode as well as starting Quest for Booty.

After that, probably going to finish up Valkyria Chronicles :D

What's everyone else playing at the moment?
Hammering Just Cause 2 (currently at 72% complete).
Itching to carry on with Battlefield2 BC.
Was enjoying Kane and Lynch before JC2 came out.
Purchased Heavy Rain at the weekend and thought it was incredible, but need to complete JC2 before I make a start of it.

Gonna try and finish JC2 over the next week so I can also concentrate on Splinter Cell Conviction.
Dirt 2.
Bought it for 19 quid after a mate nagged me to death about it & I needed something different from Forza 3 to play.
Proper in your face Arcade racer, I like it although the lack of braking feel is annoying.
Half Life 2. Finished it on the PC a couple of time but fancied playing it again so bought it on 360. Starting Episode 1 tonight :D
Nothing :/

I have FFXIII on the PS3, but I've got no motivation to play it and have only done around an hour or so on it since release.

I'm waiting for stuff like Red Dead Redemption and Split Second to come out at the moment.
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