Need an expert C++ programmer.

Yes more details please. Hard to say if i can help with no info to go on.

If you dont want to post them, then email them to me.

oh and my company charge £300 ph :eek:, but im sure we can work something out ;)
I presume this is for yet another university assignment.

Well he wont get many people prepared to do course work for him, happy to help but cheating is a big no no.

If its part of a bigger more research based project and the work is properly referenced then i dont see any problem.
You do realise this will cost more than a matlab licence..

You want all the maths functions of mat lab's libraries - are these functions to be tested with formal mathematic proof to ensure they work correctly?

You want it to integrate into matlab but it appears to be replica?
Sorry for the late reply. I didnt post the brief up in case someone decided to undercut me. I doubt it's a university assignment as the last term has already finished. Any way I got given the job on a freelance site but judging by the simplicity I doubt its as complex as being worth £300 and hour :p

Hang on, you have got this assignment from a freelance site and you're now trying to offload the work onto someone else?

EDIT. Oh, and lol at the assignment in general. Looks like your typical freelancer site request, lots of functionality in a stupidly short period of time for very little money.
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Wow thats a lot of work.

At a quick estimate its probably 4-5 weeks of work.

1 week of research
2 weeks to design the interface (notice they want tool boxes, so what they want is a windows app not a console app)
2 weeks to add in and test all the functions

So you are probably looking at a basic rate its about £4k's worth of development.
In that case I would probably do it for 2k. It might take longer than 5 weeks and not work though :p

Building the parser would be the hardest bit.
It's at least a months work. If that's not the case either you don't understand coding or don't understand how to communicate specs or are prepared to deliver a hack job.

Why take the job if you couldn't do it. :/

Now you want someone else to do it for you at a knock down price?
Any way I got given the job on a freelance site

Why did you even apply for it if you can't do it?

And now you want to employ someone else to do the job meaning you'll probably still make a profit. I can't tell you how much people like yourself annoy me...

You know, I'd bet the nob who put the advert in is doing exactly what you are too. It's probably a never ending line of noobs looking for a profit.
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