Gilly said:I suppose I'd skim read something and write out what I deemed to be the important points. Making notes commits things to memory better than reading them IMO.
However, the only revision I've ever done was 30 mins before the start of my GCSE maths exam. So maybe I'm wrong
( |-| |2 ][ $ said:I spends a month or more going over questions, condensing notes. But it's different for different subjects.
NickXX said:Judging by your sig you're doing Physics at Manchester?
What year are you in? One of my mates graduated in Physics in 2004 with a 2.1 (only one person in his year got a 1st!), i
branddaly said:For subjects I like I read the book, it stays in my head. Subjects I don't like I generally scrap a pass, cos I can't be bothered to read the entire book. I think my teachers decribed me as the laziest brilliant person they'd ever met. Personally I think I'm just arrogant, if I don't like the subject its not worth remembering.
But the best way to learn something is to do it over and over. The reason subjects I like stay in my head is because I've read tonnes of literature on them. So when I read another book/text I;m re-forcing the things I know, and maybe only adding one or two new ideas.
branddaly said:The forum is populated by Physicists from Manc. Probably cos the physics course was hard and PC's were more fun.